NP URI: Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 397 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql_identifier_quote_character [1] => ` ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 329 [function] => setPrefix [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [default] => ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 349 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=hitrahr [1] => root [2] => asdf [3] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1796 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) [pdo] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1582 [function] => openConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrahr [1] => default ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 2467 [function] => getConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 31 [function] => db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_url_alias WHERE field_url_alias_value = :alias AND entity_type = 'taxonomy_term' AND language = :language [1] => Array ( [:alias] => cc [:language] => en ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/category-functions.php [line] => 149 [function] => np_db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrahr [1] => db_query [2] => SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_url_alias WHERE field_url_alias_value = :alias AND entity_type = 'taxonomy_term' AND language = :language [3] => Array ( [:alias] => cc [:language] => en ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/routes.logic.php [line] => 75 [function] => category_validate_url_alias [args] => Array ( [0] => cc ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 86 [function] => check_for_module [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker [1] => Array ( [0] => [1] => cc [2] => advdocker [3] => en ) ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 397 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql_identifier_quote_character [1] => ` ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 329 [function] => setPrefix [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [default] => ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 349 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=common_fe [1] => root [2] => asdf [3] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1796 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) [pdo] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1582 [function] => openConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => common_fe [1] => default ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 2467 [function] => getConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 31 [function] => db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT * FROM price_formulas WHERE country_code = :country_code [1] => Array ( [:country_code] => ec ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 111 [function] => np_db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => common_fe [1] => db_query [2] => SELECT * FROM price_formulas WHERE country_code = :country_code [3] => Array ( [:country_code] => ec ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 93 [function] => get_formula [args] => Array ( [0] => ec ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 355 [function] => course_price_v2_formula [args] => Array ( ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 344 [function] => course_price_change_to_fe_p [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker [1] => 14 [2] => za_premium,pl_2000 [3] => 0 [4] => [5] => USD ) ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 316 [function] => course_price_get_default_price [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker ) ) [13] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 15 [function] => course_price_get_price [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker ) ) [14] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker ) ) [15] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [16] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [17] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [18] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "sdp" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:281 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 281 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "sdp" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 281 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 3937 [adp] => 937 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 2 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 14 [course_code] => advdocker [venue_id] => ec_15661446 [vfdc] => 175.00 [vadc] => 60.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:286 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 286 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 286 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 3937 [adp] => 937 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 2 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 14 [course_code] => advdocker [venue_id] => ec_15661446 [vfdc] => 175.00 [vadc] => 60.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:289 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 289 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 289 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 3937 [adp] => 937 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 2 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 14 [course_code] => advdocker [venue_id] => ec_15661446 [vfdc] => 175.00 [vadc] => 60.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "sdp" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:281 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 281 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "sdp" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 281 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 3937 [adp] => 937 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 2 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 14 [course_code] => advdocker [venue_id] => ec_15661447 [vfdc] => 200.00 [vadc] => 50.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:286 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 286 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 286 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 3937 [adp] => 937 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 2 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 14 [course_code] => advdocker [venue_id] => ec_15661447 [vfdc] => 200.00 [vadc] => 50.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:289 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 289 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 289 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 3937 [adp] => 937 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 2 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 14 [course_code] => advdocker [venue_id] => ec_15661447 [vfdc] => 200.00 [vadc] => 50.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => advdocker ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php:16) /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php:119 Array ( [0] => Array ( [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php:16) [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [3] => 119 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 119 [function] => header [args] => Array ( [0] => X-CSRF-Token:Tm9ibGVQcm9nMTcxNjAyMzk5Nw== ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 82 [function] => course_generate_csrf_token [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => advdocker [hr_nid] => 312439 [title] => Advanced Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to advance their knowledge of Docker to deploy applications at a larger scale while maintaining control.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to advance their knowledge of Docker so as to deploy applications at a larger scale while maintaining control.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker Features and Architecture

Setting up Docker

Building Your Own Docker Images

Running Multi-Container Docker Applications with Docker Compose

The Challenges of Deploying Many Docker Applications

How Container Orchestration Helps You Maintain Control

Kubernetes in Action

Advanced Docker Networking

Docker Security

Setting up a Continuous Integration Workflow for Docker Applications

Integrating Docker Applications into an Existing Workflow

Container and Orchestration Best Practices


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037510 [source_title] => Advanced Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 969 [alias] => docker-training [name] => Docker [english_name] => Docker [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => advdocker [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [cka] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cka [hr_nid] => 338643 [title] => Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program was created by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Kubernetes is nowadys a leading platform used for containers orchestration.

NobleProg have been delivering Docker & Kubernetes training from 2015. With more than 360 successfully completed training projects, we became one of the best known training companies worldwide in field of containerization.

Since 2019 we are also helping our customers to confirm their performance in k8s environment by preparing them and encouraging to pass CKA and CKAD exams.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at System Administrators, Kubernetes users who wish to confirm their knowledge by passing CKA exam.

On the other hand, training is focused also on gaining practical experience in Kubernetes Administration, so we recommend taking part in it, even if you don't intend to take CKA exam.

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Core concepts and Kubernetes architecture

  1. Kubernetes architecture and its main components
  2. Pods, Labels, Selectors, Deployments, Services, Namespaces
  3. Application lifecycle management
  4. Deployment of applications and services

Installation, Configuration & Validation

  1. Kubernetes installation using kubeadm
  2. Growing the cluster
  3. Standalone pods
  4. Control Plane High Availability
  5. Cluster maintenance
  6. Upgrade to a new version
  7. Cordoning and draining nodes


  1. Containers network model in Kubernetes
  2. Service discovery, scaling and load balancing
  3. DNS for service discovery


  1. Node selectors
  2. Affinity and anti-affinity rules
  3. Taints and tolerations


  1. Authentication, Authorization and RBAC
  2. Configuring TLS access to API

Logging / Monitoring

  1. Application and system components logging
  2. Cluster wide logging architecture
  3. Metrics Sever
  4. Prometheus


  1. Storage architecture
  2. Storage backend in Kubernetes: local, NFS, GlusterFS
  3. Storage classes and dynamic storage provisioning
  4. Resource quotas


[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715665198 [source_title] => Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -997 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cka ) [ckad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ckad [hr_nid] => 338647 [title] => Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) program has been developed by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the host of Kubernetes.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at Developers who wish to confirm their skills in design, build, configure, and expose cloud native applications for Kubernetes. 

On the other hand, training is also focused on gaining practical experience in Kubernetes application development, so we recommend taking part in it, even if you don't intend to take CKAD exam.

NobleProg have been delivering Docker & Kubernetes training from 2015. With more than 360 successfully completed training projects, we became one of the best known training company worldwide in field of containerization. Since 2019 we are also helping our customers to confirm their performance in k8s environment by preparing them and encouraging to pass CKA and CKAD exams.

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Core concepts

  1. Kubernetes architecture
  2. Cluster components

Building the app

  1. Creating containers
  2. Configuring local Docker repo

Pod design

  1. Base configuration
  2. Liveness and readiness probes
  3. CPU and memory constraints
  4. Resource limits for a namespace


  1. Security context
  2. Service accounts
  3. Secrets
  4. Kubernetes network policy
  5. Linux capabilities

Deployment configuration

  1. Controllers: deployments, daemon sets and stateful sets
  2. Jobs and cron jobs
  3. Config maps
  4. Rolling upgrade, blue-green deployment, canary deployment
  5. Using Helm for managing deployments
  6. Kubernetes API resources

Multi-container pods

  1. Sidecar, ambassador and adapter containers
  2. Init containers

Services & Networking

  1. Services and different types
  2. Load balancing
  3. Ingress controller

State Persistence

  1. Persistence of application state in Kubernetes
  2. Ephemeral storage
  3. Persistent volumes and claims
  4. Storage classes
[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715665206 [source_title] => Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -991 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ckad ) [dockcm] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockcm [hr_nid] => 113804 [title] => Container Management with Docker [requirements] =>

Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.

[overview] =>

Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to maintain distributed applications. It consists of a runtime to run containers and a service for sharing containers.

With docker the same app can run unchanged on laptops, dedicated servers and virtual servers.

This course, during the two first days, teaches the basic usage of Docker, useful both for developers and system administrators. The course includes a lot of hands on exercises and the participants will practice in their own Docker environment and build their own Docker images.

On the last day participants will learn about more advanced tools that supports Docker. It will be Docker Machine, Docker Compose and Docker Swarm.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker?

Installation of Docker

Container life cycle

Dockerizing applications

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Docker Compose

Docker Swarm

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037186 [source_title] => Container Management with Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockcm ) [docker] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => docker [hr_nid] => 312423 [title] => Introduction to Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to use Docker to deploy and manage software as containers instead of as traditional stand-alone software.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to use Docker to deploy and manage software as containers instead of as traditional stand-alone software.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


The Benefits of Containerizing Software

Setting up Docker

Overview of Docker Features and Architecture

Working with Images and Containers

Creating and Managing Dockerfiles

Docker Networking

Working with Registries

Beyond Docker Containers - Container Orchestration


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037510 [source_title] => Introduction to Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => docker ) [dockeradm1] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockeradm1 [hr_nid] => 69310 [title] => Docker for Developers and System Administrators [requirements] =>

Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.

[overview] =>

Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to maintain distributed applications. It consists of a runtime to run containers and a service for sharing containers.

With docker the same app can run unchanged on laptops, dedicated servers and virtual servers.

This course teaches the basic usage of Docker, useful both for developers and system administrators. The course includes a lot of hands on exercises and the participants will practice in their own Docker environment and build their own Docker images during the 2 days.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker?

Docker architecture

The underlying technology

Installation of Docker

Dockerizing applications

Container usage

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Contributing to the ecosystem

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715592376 [source_title] => Docker for Developers and System Administrators [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockeradm1 ) [dockerjekins] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerjekins [hr_nid] => 326783 [title] => Docker and Jenkins for DevOps [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Jenkins is an open sourced automation server for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) . Docker is a service platform for delivering software in containers. Jenkins and Docker together optimizes and simplifies the CI/CD process by allowing for more reliable deployment and testing environments.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at DevOp engineers who wish to optimize and simplify the CI/CD process with Docker and Jenkins.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at DevOp engineers who wish to optimize and simplify the CI/CD process with Docker and Jenkins.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>



Jenkins Pipeline


Distributed environment


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037551 [source_title] => Docker and Jenkins for DevOps [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerjekins ) [dockerkubernetesaws] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesaws [hr_nid] => 313511 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes on AWS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

There are a number of options for deploying Docker and Kubernetes on AWS, including Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon ECS for Kubernetes, AWS Fargate, and Amazon EC2.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to evaluate each of these services to make an informed decision about which to deploy within their organization.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to evaluate each of these services to make an informed decisions about which to deploy within their organization.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker and Kubernetes on AWS

Preparing the Development Environment

Using Amazon Elastic Container Service

Using Amazon ECS for Kubernetes

AWS Fargate

Amazon EC2

Setting up a Continuous Integration Pipeline

Integrating Docker and Kubernetes with an existing Continuous Integration System


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037512 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes on AWS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -973 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesaws ) [dockerkubernetesopenshift] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesopenshift [hr_nid] => 277930 [title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (formerly OpenShift Enterprise) is an on-premises platform-as-a-service used for developing and deploying containerized applications on Kubernetes. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to manage Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn how to manage Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker and Kubernetes

Overview of OpenShift Container Platform Architecture

Creating Containerized Services

Managing Containers

Creating and Managing Container Images

Deploying Multi-container Applications

Setting up an OpenShift Cluster

Securing OpenShift Container Platform

Monitoring OpenShift Container Platform

Deploying Applications on OpenShift Container Platform using Source-to-Image (S2I)

Managing Storage

Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349940 [source_title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -994 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesopenshift ) [dockerkubernetesscale] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesscale [hr_nid] => 208021 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to create and manage Docker containers, then deploy a sample application inside a container. Participants will also learn how to automate, scale, and manage their containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, the training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, scaling and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course


[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc> (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to create and manage Docker containers, then deploy a sample application inside a container. Participants will also learn how to automate, scale, and manage their containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, the training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, scaling and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

[Day 01]


Overview of Docker architecture

Using Docker to run and manage containers

Brief overview of container orchestration

Installing Docker

Pulling an image from the internet

Running the container

Docker registries

Creating and managing Dockerfiles

Building a Docker image

Deploying a web application

How Docker containers communicate with each other

Configuring volumes and networks in Docker

[Day 02]

Deep dive into container orchestration with Kubernetes

Overview of Kubernetes architecture

Installing a Kubernetes cluster

Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments

Grouping and organizing your cluster

Discovering and publishing services

Discovering and connecting to containers

Deploying a web application

Kubernetes security

Advanced networking

Monitoring Kubernetes

[Day 03]

Scaling your Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure for Kubernetes

Building a high-availability cluster

Deploying a scalable application

Updating your application


Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349914 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -998 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesscale ) [dockertraining] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockertraining [hr_nid] => 343419 [title] => Docker from Basic to Advanced [requirements] => [overview] =>

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>
  1. Introduction
  2. The Benefits of Containerizing Sofware
  3. Setting up Docker
  4. Overview of Docker Features and Architecture
  5. Working with Images and Containers
  6. Building Your Own Docker Images
  7. Creating and Managing Dockerfiles
  8. Running Multi-Container Docker Applications with Docker Compose
  9. Docker Networking
  10. Advanced Docker Networking
  11. Working with Registries
  12. Docker Security
  13. How Container Orchestration help You Maintain Control
  14. Beyond Docker Containers - Container Orchestration
  15. Container and Orchestration Best Practices
  16. Troubleshooting
  17. Summary and Conclusion
[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1704230431 [source_title] => Docker from Basic to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockertraining ) [dockkube] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkube [hr_nid] => 98996 [title] => Docker (introducing Kubernetes) [requirements] => [overview] =>

The objective of this practical course is to provide all the tools that address the practical aspects of Docker and Kubernetes, in order that the participants can count on the necessary skills for the proper management of the program.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker

Use cases

Docker architecture

The underlying technology

Installation of Docker

Dockerizing applications

Container usage

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Contributing to the ecosystem

Kubernetes introduction

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037172 [source_title] => Docker (introducing Kubernetes) [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -995 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkube ) [dockkubernetes1] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkubernetes1 [hr_nid] => 97474 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes [requirements] => [overview] =>

This Docker and Kubernetes training course is designed to provide attendees with a comprehensive foundation of Docker and Kubernetes technologies. The entire core features of Kubernetes is covered including, Pods, Labels, Volumes, Replication Controllers, Services and more. The course takes attendees from installation to management and usage through a combination of lecture and hands-on lab exercises where they will gain experience configuring and managing Kubernetes objects. In addition, this course will give attendees a solid understanding of Kubernetes including advanced features and security to run safety a Kubernetes cluster in production.

This course is for people and teams that want to learn Kubernetes foundation and containers orchestration requirements to build services that are secure, robust, highly available, resilient and self-healing:

· Developers

· Operations

· DevOps

· QA Engineers

· IT Project Managers

[category_overview] =>

Training objectives: Acquire theoretical and operational skills on Docker and Kubernetes.

[outline] =>

Day 1

· Docker and Linux container technology

· Docker containers lifecycle

· Working with Docker images

· Network communication between containers

· Persistence of data in containers

· Container orchestration requirements and available options

· Introduction to Kubernetes and other orchestration systems

· Kubernetes core concepts: Pods, Labels, Controllers, Services, Secretes, Persistent Data Volumes, Claims, Namespaces, Quotas


Day 2

· Kubernetes reference architecture and its main components

· Containers network model in Kubernetes

· Service discovery, scaling and load balancing

· DNS for service discovery

· Ingress controller and reverse proxy

· Persistence of application state and the data volume model in Kubernetes

· Storage backend in Kubernetes: local, NFS, GlusterFS, Ceph

· Cluster management

· Deployment of applications and services on a Kubernetes cluster


Day 3

· Advanced controllers: Daemon Sets and Stateful Sets

· Job and Cron jobs

· Standalone pods

· Storage Classes and Dynamic Storage provisioning

· Network policies

· Securing a Kubernetes cluster

· Authentication, Authorization and Access Control

· Control Plane High Availability

· Auto Scaling

· Cluster monitoring

· Troubleshooting

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1706700223 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes [source_language] => fr [cert_code] => [weight] => -1000 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkubernetes1 ) [dockkubopenshift] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkubopenshift [hr_nid] => 280402 [title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

OpenShift Container Platform (formerly OpenShift Enterprise) brings Docker and Kubernetes together into a managed platform, or PaaS (Platform as a Service), to further ease and simplify the deployment of Docker and Kubernetes. It provides predefined application environments and helps to realize key DevOps principles such as reduced time to market, infrastructure as code, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD). OpenShift Container Platform is maintained by Red Hat and runs atop of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to use OpenShift Container Platform to deploy containerized applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn how to use OpenShift Container Platform to deploy containerized applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>




OpenShift Container Platform

Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037400 [source_title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -993 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkubopenshift ) [kubernetes] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => kubernetes [hr_nid] => 284497 [title] => Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to deploy a collection of sample servers inside containers, then automate, scale, and manage their containerized servers within a Kubernetes cluster. The training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, networking and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course


[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc> (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to deploy a collection of sample servers inside containers, then automate, scale, and manage their containerized servers within a Kubernetes cluster. The training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, networking and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

[Day 01]


Overview of container orchestration with Kubernetes

Overview of Kubernetes architecture

Installing a Kubernetes cluster

Pulling a Docker image from the internet

Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments

Grouping and organizing your cluster

Using Kubernetes Namespaces to manage different environments

Discovering and connecting to containers

Discovering and publishing services

Kubernetes security

Upgrading a Kubernetes cluster

Advanced networking

Interfacing between network providers and Kubernetes networking

Monitoring Kubernetes

Best Practices for running containerized servers and data stores

[Day 02]

Scaling your Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure for Kubernetes

Building a high-availability cluster

Deploying a scalable application

Updating your application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350267 [source_title] => Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -999 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => kubernetes ) [microsvcspringdocker] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => microsvcspringdocker [hr_nid] => 280354 [title] => Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Spring Cloud is an open-source lightweight microservices framework for building Java applications for the cloud.

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Docker lends itself well to the creation of microservice applications.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn the fundamentals of building microservices using Spring Cloud and Docker. Participant knowledge is put to the test through exercises and the step-by-step development of sample microservices.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn the fundamentals of building microservices using Spring Cloud and Docker. Participant knowledge is put to the test through exercises and the step-by-step development of sample microservices.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Understanding Microservices and the Microservice Architecture

Overview of Docker and Containerization

Overview of Spring Cloud and Spring Boot

Creating the Configuration Service and the Discovery Service with Spring Cloud

Using the API Gateway with Spring Cloud

Building a Container Image for Each Microservice Using Docker

Storing Data Across Different Databases

Building an API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

Using the Netflix Eureka and Consult Discovery Services (Service Registries) to Register and Discover Services

Using Docker Compose for Integration Testing

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350267 [source_title] => Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => microsvcspringdocker ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => cka [1] => ckad [2] => dockcm [3] => docker [4] => dockeradm1 [5] => dockerjekins [6] => dockerkubernetesaws [7] => dockerkubernetesopenshift [8] => dockerkubernetesscale [9] => dockertraining [10] => dockkube [11] => dockkubernetes1 [12] => dockkubopenshift [13] => kubernetes [14] => microsvcspringdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ec_4966] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4966 [title] => Guayaquil [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661446] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661446 [title] => Guayaquil - Mall del Sol [vfdc] => 175.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [classroom guaranteed] => 4287 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4287 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [classroom guaranteed] => 5344 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2672 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [classroom guaranteed] => 6402 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2134 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [classroom guaranteed] => 7460 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1865 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [classroom guaranteed] => 8515 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1703 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [classroom guaranteed] => 9570 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1595 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [classroom guaranteed] => 10626 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1518 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [classroom guaranteed] => 11688 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1461 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [classroom guaranteed] => 12744 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1416 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [classroom guaranteed] => 13800 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1380 ) ) ) ) ) [ec_4967] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4967 [title] => Quito [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661447] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661447 [title] => Quito - Av Eloy Alfaro [vfdc] => 200.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [classroom guaranteed] => 4337 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4337 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [classroom guaranteed] => 5374 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2687 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [classroom guaranteed] => 6411 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2137 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [classroom guaranteed] => 7448 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1862 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [classroom guaranteed] => 8485 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1697 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [classroom guaranteed] => 9522 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1587 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [classroom guaranteed] => 10556 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1508 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [classroom guaranteed] => 11600 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1450 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [classroom guaranteed] => 12636 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1404 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [classroom guaranteed] => 13670 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1367 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [adp] => 937 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [adp] => 937 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [adp] => 937 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [adp] => 937 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [adp] => 937 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [adp] => 937 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [adp] => 937 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [adp] => 937 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [adp] => 937 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [adp] => 937 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 5 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 [4] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [442343] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Pamela Perez Aguirre - AT&T [body] => have the MV on hand [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442343 ) [442335] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Guadalupe - AT&T [body] => I consider that it was the fact of how the topics were addressed, there are many concepts but I liked that it allowed us to understand how docker works and what it consists of. [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442335 ) [442327] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => David Alejandro - AT&T [body] => The level of knowledge and the way to develop it [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442327 ) [442315] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Leonardo Daniel - AT&T [body] => -The instructor's mastery of the topics is perfect. -The environment to develop the exercises is very stable and allows you to work comfortably. -The exercises are easy to understand and they all work in the environment they provide us. [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442315 ) [442299] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Víctor Edgar - AT&T [body] => The instructor's explanations and the way in which the VMs were prepared to start the training and the topics covered [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442299 ) ) [7] => 4.6 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) Advanced Docker Training Course

Course Outline


Overview of Docker Features and Architecture

Setting up Docker

Building Your Own Docker Images

Running Multi-Container Docker Applications with Docker Compose

The Challenges of Deploying Many Docker Applications

How Container Orchestration Helps You Maintain Control

Kubernetes in Action

Advanced Docker Networking

Docker Security

Setting up a Continuous Integration Workflow for Docker Applications

Integrating Docker Applications into an Existing Workflow

Container and Orchestration Best Practices


Summary and Conclusion


  • Previous experience working with Docker containers.


  • Developers
  • DevOps engineers
  • System administrators
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

Related Courses

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation

21 Hours

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation

21 Hours

Container Management with Docker

21 Hours

Introduction to Docker

14 Hours

Docker for Developers and System Administrators

14 Hours

Docker and Jenkins for DevOps

14 Hours

Docker and Kubernetes on AWS

21 Hours

Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators

35 Hours

Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application

21 Hours

Docker from Basic to Advanced

14 Hours

Docker (introducing Kubernetes)

14 Hours

Docker and Kubernetes

21 Hours

Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers

35 Hours

Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced

14 Hours

Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker

21 Hours

Related Categories

NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 131 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => nobleprog_site_production_url ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 94 [function] => islc_get_current_site [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 34 [function] => islc_get_site_list [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => advdocker [hr_nid] => 312439 [title] => Advanced Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to advance their knowledge of Docker to deploy applications at a larger scale while maintaining control.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to advance their knowledge of Docker so as to deploy applications at a larger scale while maintaining control.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker Features and Architecture

Setting up Docker

Building Your Own Docker Images

Running Multi-Container Docker Applications with Docker Compose

The Challenges of Deploying Many Docker Applications

How Container Orchestration Helps You Maintain Control

Kubernetes in Action

Advanced Docker Networking

Docker Security

Setting up a Continuous Integration Workflow for Docker Applications

Integrating Docker Applications into an Existing Workflow

Container and Orchestration Best Practices


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037510 [source_title] => Advanced Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 969 [alias] => docker-training [name] => Docker [english_name] => Docker [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => advdocker [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [cka] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cka [hr_nid] => 338643 [title] => Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program was created by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Kubernetes is nowadys a leading platform used for containers orchestration.

NobleProg have been delivering Docker & Kubernetes training from 2015. With more than 360 successfully completed training projects, we became one of the best known training companies worldwide in field of containerization.

Since 2019 we are also helping our customers to confirm their performance in k8s environment by preparing them and encouraging to pass CKA and CKAD exams.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at System Administrators, Kubernetes users who wish to confirm their knowledge by passing CKA exam.

On the other hand, training is focused also on gaining practical experience in Kubernetes Administration, so we recommend taking part in it, even if you don't intend to take CKA exam.

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Core concepts and Kubernetes architecture

  1. Kubernetes architecture and its main components
  2. Pods, Labels, Selectors, Deployments, Services, Namespaces
  3. Application lifecycle management
  4. Deployment of applications and services

Installation, Configuration & Validation

  1. Kubernetes installation using kubeadm
  2. Growing the cluster
  3. Standalone pods
  4. Control Plane High Availability
  5. Cluster maintenance
  6. Upgrade to a new version
  7. Cordoning and draining nodes


  1. Containers network model in Kubernetes
  2. Service discovery, scaling and load balancing
  3. DNS for service discovery


  1. Node selectors
  2. Affinity and anti-affinity rules
  3. Taints and tolerations


  1. Authentication, Authorization and RBAC
  2. Configuring TLS access to API

Logging / Monitoring

  1. Application and system components logging
  2. Cluster wide logging architecture
  3. Metrics Sever
  4. Prometheus


  1. Storage architecture
  2. Storage backend in Kubernetes: local, NFS, GlusterFS
  3. Storage classes and dynamic storage provisioning
  4. Resource quotas


[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715665198 [source_title] => Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -997 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cka ) [ckad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ckad [hr_nid] => 338647 [title] => Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) program has been developed by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the host of Kubernetes.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at Developers who wish to confirm their skills in design, build, configure, and expose cloud native applications for Kubernetes. 

On the other hand, training is also focused on gaining practical experience in Kubernetes application development, so we recommend taking part in it, even if you don't intend to take CKAD exam.

NobleProg have been delivering Docker & Kubernetes training from 2015. With more than 360 successfully completed training projects, we became one of the best known training company worldwide in field of containerization. Since 2019 we are also helping our customers to confirm their performance in k8s environment by preparing them and encouraging to pass CKA and CKAD exams.

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Core concepts

  1. Kubernetes architecture
  2. Cluster components

Building the app

  1. Creating containers
  2. Configuring local Docker repo

Pod design

  1. Base configuration
  2. Liveness and readiness probes
  3. CPU and memory constraints
  4. Resource limits for a namespace


  1. Security context
  2. Service accounts
  3. Secrets
  4. Kubernetes network policy
  5. Linux capabilities

Deployment configuration

  1. Controllers: deployments, daemon sets and stateful sets
  2. Jobs and cron jobs
  3. Config maps
  4. Rolling upgrade, blue-green deployment, canary deployment
  5. Using Helm for managing deployments
  6. Kubernetes API resources

Multi-container pods

  1. Sidecar, ambassador and adapter containers
  2. Init containers

Services & Networking

  1. Services and different types
  2. Load balancing
  3. Ingress controller

State Persistence

  1. Persistence of application state in Kubernetes
  2. Ephemeral storage
  3. Persistent volumes and claims
  4. Storage classes
[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715665206 [source_title] => Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -991 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ckad ) [dockcm] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockcm [hr_nid] => 113804 [title] => Container Management with Docker [requirements] =>

Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.

[overview] =>

Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to maintain distributed applications. It consists of a runtime to run containers and a service for sharing containers.

With docker the same app can run unchanged on laptops, dedicated servers and virtual servers.

This course, during the two first days, teaches the basic usage of Docker, useful both for developers and system administrators. The course includes a lot of hands on exercises and the participants will practice in their own Docker environment and build their own Docker images.

On the last day participants will learn about more advanced tools that supports Docker. It will be Docker Machine, Docker Compose and Docker Swarm.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker?

Installation of Docker

Container life cycle

Dockerizing applications

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Docker Compose

Docker Swarm

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037186 [source_title] => Container Management with Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockcm ) [docker] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => docker [hr_nid] => 312423 [title] => Introduction to Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to use Docker to deploy and manage software as containers instead of as traditional stand-alone software.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to use Docker to deploy and manage software as containers instead of as traditional stand-alone software.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


The Benefits of Containerizing Software

Setting up Docker

Overview of Docker Features and Architecture

Working with Images and Containers

Creating and Managing Dockerfiles

Docker Networking

Working with Registries

Beyond Docker Containers - Container Orchestration


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037510 [source_title] => Introduction to Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => docker ) [dockeradm1] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockeradm1 [hr_nid] => 69310 [title] => Docker for Developers and System Administrators [requirements] =>

Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.

[overview] =>

Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to maintain distributed applications. It consists of a runtime to run containers and a service for sharing containers.

With docker the same app can run unchanged on laptops, dedicated servers and virtual servers.

This course teaches the basic usage of Docker, useful both for developers and system administrators. The course includes a lot of hands on exercises and the participants will practice in their own Docker environment and build their own Docker images during the 2 days.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker?

Docker architecture

The underlying technology

Installation of Docker

Dockerizing applications

Container usage

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Contributing to the ecosystem

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715592376 [source_title] => Docker for Developers and System Administrators [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockeradm1 ) [dockerjekins] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerjekins [hr_nid] => 326783 [title] => Docker and Jenkins for DevOps [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Jenkins is an open sourced automation server for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) . Docker is a service platform for delivering software in containers. Jenkins and Docker together optimizes and simplifies the CI/CD process by allowing for more reliable deployment and testing environments.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at DevOp engineers who wish to optimize and simplify the CI/CD process with Docker and Jenkins.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at DevOp engineers who wish to optimize and simplify the CI/CD process with Docker and Jenkins.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>



Jenkins Pipeline


Distributed environment


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037551 [source_title] => Docker and Jenkins for DevOps [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerjekins ) [dockerkubernetesaws] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesaws [hr_nid] => 313511 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes on AWS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

There are a number of options for deploying Docker and Kubernetes on AWS, including Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon ECS for Kubernetes, AWS Fargate, and Amazon EC2.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to evaluate each of these services to make an informed decision about which to deploy within their organization.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to evaluate each of these services to make an informed decisions about which to deploy within their organization.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker and Kubernetes on AWS

Preparing the Development Environment

Using Amazon Elastic Container Service

Using Amazon ECS for Kubernetes

AWS Fargate

Amazon EC2

Setting up a Continuous Integration Pipeline

Integrating Docker and Kubernetes with an existing Continuous Integration System


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037512 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes on AWS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -973 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesaws ) [dockerkubernetesopenshift] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesopenshift [hr_nid] => 277930 [title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (formerly OpenShift Enterprise) is an on-premises platform-as-a-service used for developing and deploying containerized applications on Kubernetes. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to manage Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn how to manage Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker and Kubernetes

Overview of OpenShift Container Platform Architecture

Creating Containerized Services

Managing Containers

Creating and Managing Container Images

Deploying Multi-container Applications

Setting up an OpenShift Cluster

Securing OpenShift Container Platform

Monitoring OpenShift Container Platform

Deploying Applications on OpenShift Container Platform using Source-to-Image (S2I)

Managing Storage

Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349940 [source_title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -994 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesopenshift ) [dockerkubernetesscale] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesscale [hr_nid] => 208021 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to create and manage Docker containers, then deploy a sample application inside a container. Participants will also learn how to automate, scale, and manage their containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, the training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, scaling and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course


[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc> (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to create and manage Docker containers, then deploy a sample application inside a container. Participants will also learn how to automate, scale, and manage their containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, the training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, scaling and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

[Day 01]


Overview of Docker architecture

Using Docker to run and manage containers

Brief overview of container orchestration

Installing Docker

Pulling an image from the internet

Running the container

Docker registries

Creating and managing Dockerfiles

Building a Docker image

Deploying a web application

How Docker containers communicate with each other

Configuring volumes and networks in Docker

[Day 02]

Deep dive into container orchestration with Kubernetes

Overview of Kubernetes architecture

Installing a Kubernetes cluster

Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments

Grouping and organizing your cluster

Discovering and publishing services

Discovering and connecting to containers

Deploying a web application

Kubernetes security

Advanced networking

Monitoring Kubernetes

[Day 03]

Scaling your Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure for Kubernetes

Building a high-availability cluster

Deploying a scalable application

Updating your application


Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349914 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -998 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesscale ) [dockertraining] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockertraining [hr_nid] => 343419 [title] => Docker from Basic to Advanced [requirements] => [overview] =>

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>
  1. Introduction
  2. The Benefits of Containerizing Sofware
  3. Setting up Docker
  4. Overview of Docker Features and Architecture
  5. Working with Images and Containers
  6. Building Your Own Docker Images
  7. Creating and Managing Dockerfiles
  8. Running Multi-Container Docker Applications with Docker Compose
  9. Docker Networking
  10. Advanced Docker Networking
  11. Working with Registries
  12. Docker Security
  13. How Container Orchestration help You Maintain Control
  14. Beyond Docker Containers - Container Orchestration
  15. Container and Orchestration Best Practices
  16. Troubleshooting
  17. Summary and Conclusion
[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1704230431 [source_title] => Docker from Basic to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockertraining ) [dockkube] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkube [hr_nid] => 98996 [title] => Docker (introducing Kubernetes) [requirements] => [overview] =>

The objective of this practical course is to provide all the tools that address the practical aspects of Docker and Kubernetes, in order that the participants can count on the necessary skills for the proper management of the program.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker

Use cases

Docker architecture

The underlying technology

Installation of Docker

Dockerizing applications

Container usage

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Contributing to the ecosystem

Kubernetes introduction

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037172 [source_title] => Docker (introducing Kubernetes) [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -995 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkube ) [dockkubernetes1] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkubernetes1 [hr_nid] => 97474 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes [requirements] => [overview] =>

This Docker and Kubernetes training course is designed to provide attendees with a comprehensive foundation of Docker and Kubernetes technologies. The entire core features of Kubernetes is covered including, Pods, Labels, Volumes, Replication Controllers, Services and more. The course takes attendees from installation to management and usage through a combination of lecture and hands-on lab exercises where they will gain experience configuring and managing Kubernetes objects. In addition, this course will give attendees a solid understanding of Kubernetes including advanced features and security to run safety a Kubernetes cluster in production.

This course is for people and teams that want to learn Kubernetes foundation and containers orchestration requirements to build services that are secure, robust, highly available, resilient and self-healing:

· Developers

· Operations

· DevOps

· QA Engineers

· IT Project Managers

[category_overview] =>

Training objectives: Acquire theoretical and operational skills on Docker and Kubernetes.

[outline] =>

Day 1

· Docker and Linux container technology

· Docker containers lifecycle

· Working with Docker images

· Network communication between containers

· Persistence of data in containers

· Container orchestration requirements and available options

· Introduction to Kubernetes and other orchestration systems

· Kubernetes core concepts: Pods, Labels, Controllers, Services, Secretes, Persistent Data Volumes, Claims, Namespaces, Quotas


Day 2

· Kubernetes reference architecture and its main components

· Containers network model in Kubernetes

· Service discovery, scaling and load balancing

· DNS for service discovery

· Ingress controller and reverse proxy

· Persistence of application state and the data volume model in Kubernetes

· Storage backend in Kubernetes: local, NFS, GlusterFS, Ceph

· Cluster management

· Deployment of applications and services on a Kubernetes cluster


Day 3

· Advanced controllers: Daemon Sets and Stateful Sets

· Job and Cron jobs

· Standalone pods

· Storage Classes and Dynamic Storage provisioning

· Network policies

· Securing a Kubernetes cluster

· Authentication, Authorization and Access Control

· Control Plane High Availability

· Auto Scaling

· Cluster monitoring

· Troubleshooting

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1706700223 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes [source_language] => fr [cert_code] => [weight] => -1000 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkubernetes1 ) [dockkubopenshift] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkubopenshift [hr_nid] => 280402 [title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

OpenShift Container Platform (formerly OpenShift Enterprise) brings Docker and Kubernetes together into a managed platform, or PaaS (Platform as a Service), to further ease and simplify the deployment of Docker and Kubernetes. It provides predefined application environments and helps to realize key DevOps principles such as reduced time to market, infrastructure as code, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD). OpenShift Container Platform is maintained by Red Hat and runs atop of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to use OpenShift Container Platform to deploy containerized applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn how to use OpenShift Container Platform to deploy containerized applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>




OpenShift Container Platform

Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037400 [source_title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -993 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkubopenshift ) [kubernetes] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => kubernetes [hr_nid] => 284497 [title] => Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to deploy a collection of sample servers inside containers, then automate, scale, and manage their containerized servers within a Kubernetes cluster. The training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, networking and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course


[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc> (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to deploy a collection of sample servers inside containers, then automate, scale, and manage their containerized servers within a Kubernetes cluster. The training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, networking and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

[Day 01]


Overview of container orchestration with Kubernetes

Overview of Kubernetes architecture

Installing a Kubernetes cluster

Pulling a Docker image from the internet

Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments

Grouping and organizing your cluster

Using Kubernetes Namespaces to manage different environments

Discovering and connecting to containers

Discovering and publishing services

Kubernetes security

Upgrading a Kubernetes cluster

Advanced networking

Interfacing between network providers and Kubernetes networking

Monitoring Kubernetes

Best Practices for running containerized servers and data stores

[Day 02]

Scaling your Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure for Kubernetes

Building a high-availability cluster

Deploying a scalable application

Updating your application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350267 [source_title] => Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -999 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => kubernetes ) [microsvcspringdocker] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => microsvcspringdocker [hr_nid] => 280354 [title] => Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Spring Cloud is an open-source lightweight microservices framework for building Java applications for the cloud.

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Docker lends itself well to the creation of microservice applications.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn the fundamentals of building microservices using Spring Cloud and Docker. Participant knowledge is put to the test through exercises and the step-by-step development of sample microservices.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn the fundamentals of building microservices using Spring Cloud and Docker. Participant knowledge is put to the test through exercises and the step-by-step development of sample microservices.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Understanding Microservices and the Microservice Architecture

Overview of Docker and Containerization

Overview of Spring Cloud and Spring Boot

Creating the Configuration Service and the Discovery Service with Spring Cloud

Using the API Gateway with Spring Cloud

Building a Container Image for Each Microservice Using Docker

Storing Data Across Different Databases

Building an API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

Using the Netflix Eureka and Consult Discovery Services (Service Registries) to Register and Discover Services

Using Docker Compose for Integration Testing

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350267 [source_title] => Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => microsvcspringdocker ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => cka [1] => ckad [2] => dockcm [3] => docker [4] => dockeradm1 [5] => dockerjekins [6] => dockerkubernetesaws [7] => dockerkubernetesopenshift [8] => dockerkubernetesscale [9] => dockertraining [10] => dockkube [11] => dockkubernetes1 [12] => dockkubopenshift [13] => kubernetes [14] => microsvcspringdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ec_4966] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4966 [title] => Guayaquil [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661446] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661446 [title] => Guayaquil - Mall del Sol [vfdc] => 175.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [classroom guaranteed] => 4287 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4287 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [classroom guaranteed] => 5344 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2672 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [classroom guaranteed] => 6402 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2134 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [classroom guaranteed] => 7460 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1865 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [classroom guaranteed] => 8515 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1703 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [classroom guaranteed] => 9570 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1595 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [classroom guaranteed] => 10626 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1518 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [classroom guaranteed] => 11688 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1461 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [classroom guaranteed] => 12744 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1416 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [classroom guaranteed] => 13800 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1380 ) ) ) ) ) [ec_4967] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4967 [title] => Quito [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661447] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661447 [title] => Quito - Av Eloy Alfaro [vfdc] => 200.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [classroom guaranteed] => 4337 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4337 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [classroom guaranteed] => 5374 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2687 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [classroom guaranteed] => 6411 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2137 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [classroom guaranteed] => 7448 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1862 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [classroom guaranteed] => 8485 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1697 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [classroom guaranteed] => 9522 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1587 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [classroom guaranteed] => 10556 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1508 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [classroom guaranteed] => 11600 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1450 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [classroom guaranteed] => 12636 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1404 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [classroom guaranteed] => 13670 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1367 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [adp] => 937 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [adp] => 937 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [adp] => 937 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [adp] => 937 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [adp] => 937 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [adp] => 937 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [adp] => 937 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [adp] => 937 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [adp] => 937 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [adp] => 937 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 5 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 [4] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [442343] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Pamela Perez Aguirre - AT&T [body] => have the MV on hand [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442343 ) [442335] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Guadalupe - AT&T [body] => I consider that it was the fact of how the topics were addressed, there are many concepts but I liked that it allowed us to understand how docker works and what it consists of. [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442335 ) [442327] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => David Alejandro - AT&T [body] => The level of knowledge and the way to develop it [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442327 ) [442315] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Leonardo Daniel - AT&T [body] => -The instructor's mastery of the topics is perfect. -The environment to develop the exercises is very stable and allows you to work comfortably. -The exercises are easy to understand and they all work in the environment they provide us. [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442315 ) [442299] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Víctor Edgar - AT&T [body] => The instructor's explanations and the way in which the VMs were prepared to start the training and the topics covered [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442299 ) ) [7] => 4.6 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "devel_domain" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "devel_domain" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 99 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => devel_domain [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 34 [function] => islc_get_site_list [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => advdocker [hr_nid] => 312439 [title] => Advanced Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to advance their knowledge of Docker to deploy applications at a larger scale while maintaining control.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to advance their knowledge of Docker so as to deploy applications at a larger scale while maintaining control.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker Features and Architecture

Setting up Docker

Building Your Own Docker Images

Running Multi-Container Docker Applications with Docker Compose

The Challenges of Deploying Many Docker Applications

How Container Orchestration Helps You Maintain Control

Kubernetes in Action

Advanced Docker Networking

Docker Security

Setting up a Continuous Integration Workflow for Docker Applications

Integrating Docker Applications into an Existing Workflow

Container and Orchestration Best Practices


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037510 [source_title] => Advanced Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 969 [alias] => docker-training [name] => Docker [english_name] => Docker [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => advdocker [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [cka] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cka [hr_nid] => 338643 [title] => Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program was created by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Kubernetes is nowadys a leading platform used for containers orchestration.

NobleProg have been delivering Docker & Kubernetes training from 2015. With more than 360 successfully completed training projects, we became one of the best known training companies worldwide in field of containerization.

Since 2019 we are also helping our customers to confirm their performance in k8s environment by preparing them and encouraging to pass CKA and CKAD exams.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at System Administrators, Kubernetes users who wish to confirm their knowledge by passing CKA exam.

On the other hand, training is focused also on gaining practical experience in Kubernetes Administration, so we recommend taking part in it, even if you don't intend to take CKA exam.

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Core concepts and Kubernetes architecture

  1. Kubernetes architecture and its main components
  2. Pods, Labels, Selectors, Deployments, Services, Namespaces
  3. Application lifecycle management
  4. Deployment of applications and services

Installation, Configuration & Validation

  1. Kubernetes installation using kubeadm
  2. Growing the cluster
  3. Standalone pods
  4. Control Plane High Availability
  5. Cluster maintenance
  6. Upgrade to a new version
  7. Cordoning and draining nodes


  1. Containers network model in Kubernetes
  2. Service discovery, scaling and load balancing
  3. DNS for service discovery


  1. Node selectors
  2. Affinity and anti-affinity rules
  3. Taints and tolerations


  1. Authentication, Authorization and RBAC
  2. Configuring TLS access to API

Logging / Monitoring

  1. Application and system components logging
  2. Cluster wide logging architecture
  3. Metrics Sever
  4. Prometheus


  1. Storage architecture
  2. Storage backend in Kubernetes: local, NFS, GlusterFS
  3. Storage classes and dynamic storage provisioning
  4. Resource quotas


[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715665198 [source_title] => Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -997 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cka ) [ckad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ckad [hr_nid] => 338647 [title] => Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) program has been developed by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the host of Kubernetes.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at Developers who wish to confirm their skills in design, build, configure, and expose cloud native applications for Kubernetes. 

On the other hand, training is also focused on gaining practical experience in Kubernetes application development, so we recommend taking part in it, even if you don't intend to take CKAD exam.

NobleProg have been delivering Docker & Kubernetes training from 2015. With more than 360 successfully completed training projects, we became one of the best known training company worldwide in field of containerization. Since 2019 we are also helping our customers to confirm their performance in k8s environment by preparing them and encouraging to pass CKA and CKAD exams.

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Core concepts

  1. Kubernetes architecture
  2. Cluster components

Building the app

  1. Creating containers
  2. Configuring local Docker repo

Pod design

  1. Base configuration
  2. Liveness and readiness probes
  3. CPU and memory constraints
  4. Resource limits for a namespace


  1. Security context
  2. Service accounts
  3. Secrets
  4. Kubernetes network policy
  5. Linux capabilities

Deployment configuration

  1. Controllers: deployments, daemon sets and stateful sets
  2. Jobs and cron jobs
  3. Config maps
  4. Rolling upgrade, blue-green deployment, canary deployment
  5. Using Helm for managing deployments
  6. Kubernetes API resources

Multi-container pods

  1. Sidecar, ambassador and adapter containers
  2. Init containers

Services & Networking

  1. Services and different types
  2. Load balancing
  3. Ingress controller

State Persistence

  1. Persistence of application state in Kubernetes
  2. Ephemeral storage
  3. Persistent volumes and claims
  4. Storage classes
[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715665206 [source_title] => Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -991 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ckad ) [dockcm] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockcm [hr_nid] => 113804 [title] => Container Management with Docker [requirements] =>

Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.

[overview] =>

Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to maintain distributed applications. It consists of a runtime to run containers and a service for sharing containers.

With docker the same app can run unchanged on laptops, dedicated servers and virtual servers.

This course, during the two first days, teaches the basic usage of Docker, useful both for developers and system administrators. The course includes a lot of hands on exercises and the participants will practice in their own Docker environment and build their own Docker images.

On the last day participants will learn about more advanced tools that supports Docker. It will be Docker Machine, Docker Compose and Docker Swarm.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker?

Installation of Docker

Container life cycle

Dockerizing applications

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Docker Compose

Docker Swarm

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037186 [source_title] => Container Management with Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockcm ) [docker] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => docker [hr_nid] => 312423 [title] => Introduction to Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to use Docker to deploy and manage software as containers instead of as traditional stand-alone software.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to use Docker to deploy and manage software as containers instead of as traditional stand-alone software.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


The Benefits of Containerizing Software

Setting up Docker

Overview of Docker Features and Architecture

Working with Images and Containers

Creating and Managing Dockerfiles

Docker Networking

Working with Registries

Beyond Docker Containers - Container Orchestration


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037510 [source_title] => Introduction to Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => docker ) [dockeradm1] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockeradm1 [hr_nid] => 69310 [title] => Docker for Developers and System Administrators [requirements] =>

Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.

[overview] =>

Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to maintain distributed applications. It consists of a runtime to run containers and a service for sharing containers.

With docker the same app can run unchanged on laptops, dedicated servers and virtual servers.

This course teaches the basic usage of Docker, useful both for developers and system administrators. The course includes a lot of hands on exercises and the participants will practice in their own Docker environment and build their own Docker images during the 2 days.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker?

Docker architecture

The underlying technology

Installation of Docker

Dockerizing applications

Container usage

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Contributing to the ecosystem

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715592376 [source_title] => Docker for Developers and System Administrators [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockeradm1 ) [dockerjekins] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerjekins [hr_nid] => 326783 [title] => Docker and Jenkins for DevOps [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Jenkins is an open sourced automation server for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) . Docker is a service platform for delivering software in containers. Jenkins and Docker together optimizes and simplifies the CI/CD process by allowing for more reliable deployment and testing environments.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at DevOp engineers who wish to optimize and simplify the CI/CD process with Docker and Jenkins.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at DevOp engineers who wish to optimize and simplify the CI/CD process with Docker and Jenkins.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>



Jenkins Pipeline


Distributed environment


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037551 [source_title] => Docker and Jenkins for DevOps [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerjekins ) [dockerkubernetesaws] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesaws [hr_nid] => 313511 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes on AWS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

There are a number of options for deploying Docker and Kubernetes on AWS, including Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon ECS for Kubernetes, AWS Fargate, and Amazon EC2.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to evaluate each of these services to make an informed decision about which to deploy within their organization.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to evaluate each of these services to make an informed decisions about which to deploy within their organization.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker and Kubernetes on AWS

Preparing the Development Environment

Using Amazon Elastic Container Service

Using Amazon ECS for Kubernetes

AWS Fargate

Amazon EC2

Setting up a Continuous Integration Pipeline

Integrating Docker and Kubernetes with an existing Continuous Integration System


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037512 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes on AWS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -973 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesaws ) [dockerkubernetesopenshift] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesopenshift [hr_nid] => 277930 [title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (formerly OpenShift Enterprise) is an on-premises platform-as-a-service used for developing and deploying containerized applications on Kubernetes. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to manage Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn how to manage Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker and Kubernetes

Overview of OpenShift Container Platform Architecture

Creating Containerized Services

Managing Containers

Creating and Managing Container Images

Deploying Multi-container Applications

Setting up an OpenShift Cluster

Securing OpenShift Container Platform

Monitoring OpenShift Container Platform

Deploying Applications on OpenShift Container Platform using Source-to-Image (S2I)

Managing Storage

Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349940 [source_title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -994 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesopenshift ) [dockerkubernetesscale] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesscale [hr_nid] => 208021 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to create and manage Docker containers, then deploy a sample application inside a container. Participants will also learn how to automate, scale, and manage their containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, the training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, scaling and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course


[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc> (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to create and manage Docker containers, then deploy a sample application inside a container. Participants will also learn how to automate, scale, and manage their containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, the training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, scaling and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

[Day 01]


Overview of Docker architecture

Using Docker to run and manage containers

Brief overview of container orchestration

Installing Docker

Pulling an image from the internet

Running the container

Docker registries

Creating and managing Dockerfiles

Building a Docker image

Deploying a web application

How Docker containers communicate with each other

Configuring volumes and networks in Docker

[Day 02]

Deep dive into container orchestration with Kubernetes

Overview of Kubernetes architecture

Installing a Kubernetes cluster

Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments

Grouping and organizing your cluster

Discovering and publishing services

Discovering and connecting to containers

Deploying a web application

Kubernetes security

Advanced networking

Monitoring Kubernetes

[Day 03]

Scaling your Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure for Kubernetes

Building a high-availability cluster

Deploying a scalable application

Updating your application


Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349914 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -998 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesscale ) [dockertraining] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockertraining [hr_nid] => 343419 [title] => Docker from Basic to Advanced [requirements] => [overview] =>

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>
  1. Introduction
  2. The Benefits of Containerizing Sofware
  3. Setting up Docker
  4. Overview of Docker Features and Architecture
  5. Working with Images and Containers
  6. Building Your Own Docker Images
  7. Creating and Managing Dockerfiles
  8. Running Multi-Container Docker Applications with Docker Compose
  9. Docker Networking
  10. Advanced Docker Networking
  11. Working with Registries
  12. Docker Security
  13. How Container Orchestration help You Maintain Control
  14. Beyond Docker Containers - Container Orchestration
  15. Container and Orchestration Best Practices
  16. Troubleshooting
  17. Summary and Conclusion
[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1704230431 [source_title] => Docker from Basic to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockertraining ) [dockkube] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkube [hr_nid] => 98996 [title] => Docker (introducing Kubernetes) [requirements] => [overview] =>

The objective of this practical course is to provide all the tools that address the practical aspects of Docker and Kubernetes, in order that the participants can count on the necessary skills for the proper management of the program.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker

Use cases

Docker architecture

The underlying technology

Installation of Docker

Dockerizing applications

Container usage

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Contributing to the ecosystem

Kubernetes introduction

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037172 [source_title] => Docker (introducing Kubernetes) [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -995 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkube ) [dockkubernetes1] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkubernetes1 [hr_nid] => 97474 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes [requirements] => [overview] =>

This Docker and Kubernetes training course is designed to provide attendees with a comprehensive foundation of Docker and Kubernetes technologies. The entire core features of Kubernetes is covered including, Pods, Labels, Volumes, Replication Controllers, Services and more. The course takes attendees from installation to management and usage through a combination of lecture and hands-on lab exercises where they will gain experience configuring and managing Kubernetes objects. In addition, this course will give attendees a solid understanding of Kubernetes including advanced features and security to run safety a Kubernetes cluster in production.

This course is for people and teams that want to learn Kubernetes foundation and containers orchestration requirements to build services that are secure, robust, highly available, resilient and self-healing:

· Developers

· Operations

· DevOps

· QA Engineers

· IT Project Managers

[category_overview] =>

Training objectives: Acquire theoretical and operational skills on Docker and Kubernetes.

[outline] =>

Day 1

· Docker and Linux container technology

· Docker containers lifecycle

· Working with Docker images

· Network communication between containers

· Persistence of data in containers

· Container orchestration requirements and available options

· Introduction to Kubernetes and other orchestration systems

· Kubernetes core concepts: Pods, Labels, Controllers, Services, Secretes, Persistent Data Volumes, Claims, Namespaces, Quotas


Day 2

· Kubernetes reference architecture and its main components

· Containers network model in Kubernetes

· Service discovery, scaling and load balancing

· DNS for service discovery

· Ingress controller and reverse proxy

· Persistence of application state and the data volume model in Kubernetes

· Storage backend in Kubernetes: local, NFS, GlusterFS, Ceph

· Cluster management

· Deployment of applications and services on a Kubernetes cluster


Day 3

· Advanced controllers: Daemon Sets and Stateful Sets

· Job and Cron jobs

· Standalone pods

· Storage Classes and Dynamic Storage provisioning

· Network policies

· Securing a Kubernetes cluster

· Authentication, Authorization and Access Control

· Control Plane High Availability

· Auto Scaling

· Cluster monitoring

· Troubleshooting

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1706700223 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes [source_language] => fr [cert_code] => [weight] => -1000 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkubernetes1 ) [dockkubopenshift] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkubopenshift [hr_nid] => 280402 [title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

OpenShift Container Platform (formerly OpenShift Enterprise) brings Docker and Kubernetes together into a managed platform, or PaaS (Platform as a Service), to further ease and simplify the deployment of Docker and Kubernetes. It provides predefined application environments and helps to realize key DevOps principles such as reduced time to market, infrastructure as code, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD). OpenShift Container Platform is maintained by Red Hat and runs atop of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to use OpenShift Container Platform to deploy containerized applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn how to use OpenShift Container Platform to deploy containerized applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>




OpenShift Container Platform

Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037400 [source_title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -993 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkubopenshift ) [kubernetes] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => kubernetes [hr_nid] => 284497 [title] => Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to deploy a collection of sample servers inside containers, then automate, scale, and manage their containerized servers within a Kubernetes cluster. The training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, networking and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course


[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc> (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to deploy a collection of sample servers inside containers, then automate, scale, and manage their containerized servers within a Kubernetes cluster. The training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, networking and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

[Day 01]


Overview of container orchestration with Kubernetes

Overview of Kubernetes architecture

Installing a Kubernetes cluster

Pulling a Docker image from the internet

Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments

Grouping and organizing your cluster

Using Kubernetes Namespaces to manage different environments

Discovering and connecting to containers

Discovering and publishing services

Kubernetes security

Upgrading a Kubernetes cluster

Advanced networking

Interfacing between network providers and Kubernetes networking

Monitoring Kubernetes

Best Practices for running containerized servers and data stores

[Day 02]

Scaling your Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure for Kubernetes

Building a high-availability cluster

Deploying a scalable application

Updating your application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350267 [source_title] => Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -999 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => kubernetes ) [microsvcspringdocker] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => microsvcspringdocker [hr_nid] => 280354 [title] => Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Spring Cloud is an open-source lightweight microservices framework for building Java applications for the cloud.

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Docker lends itself well to the creation of microservice applications.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn the fundamentals of building microservices using Spring Cloud and Docker. Participant knowledge is put to the test through exercises and the step-by-step development of sample microservices.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn the fundamentals of building microservices using Spring Cloud and Docker. Participant knowledge is put to the test through exercises and the step-by-step development of sample microservices.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Understanding Microservices and the Microservice Architecture

Overview of Docker and Containerization

Overview of Spring Cloud and Spring Boot

Creating the Configuration Service and the Discovery Service with Spring Cloud

Using the API Gateway with Spring Cloud

Building a Container Image for Each Microservice Using Docker

Storing Data Across Different Databases

Building an API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

Using the Netflix Eureka and Consult Discovery Services (Service Registries) to Register and Discover Services

Using Docker Compose for Integration Testing

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350267 [source_title] => Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => microsvcspringdocker ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => cka [1] => ckad [2] => dockcm [3] => docker [4] => dockeradm1 [5] => dockerjekins [6] => dockerkubernetesaws [7] => dockerkubernetesopenshift [8] => dockerkubernetesscale [9] => dockertraining [10] => dockkube [11] => dockkubernetes1 [12] => dockkubopenshift [13] => kubernetes [14] => microsvcspringdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ec_4966] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4966 [title] => Guayaquil [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661446] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661446 [title] => Guayaquil - Mall del Sol [vfdc] => 175.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [classroom guaranteed] => 4287 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4287 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [classroom guaranteed] => 5344 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2672 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [classroom guaranteed] => 6402 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2134 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [classroom guaranteed] => 7460 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1865 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [classroom guaranteed] => 8515 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1703 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [classroom guaranteed] => 9570 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1595 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [classroom guaranteed] => 10626 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1518 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [classroom guaranteed] => 11688 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1461 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [classroom guaranteed] => 12744 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1416 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [classroom guaranteed] => 13800 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1380 ) ) ) ) ) [ec_4967] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4967 [title] => Quito [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661447] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661447 [title] => Quito - Av Eloy Alfaro [vfdc] => 200.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [classroom guaranteed] => 4337 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4337 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [classroom guaranteed] => 5374 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2687 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [classroom guaranteed] => 6411 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2137 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [classroom guaranteed] => 7448 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1862 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [classroom guaranteed] => 8485 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1697 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [classroom guaranteed] => 9522 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1587 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [classroom guaranteed] => 10556 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1508 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [classroom guaranteed] => 11600 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1450 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [classroom guaranteed] => 12636 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1404 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [classroom guaranteed] => 13670 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1367 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [adp] => 937 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [adp] => 937 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [adp] => 937 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [adp] => 937 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [adp] => 937 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [adp] => 937 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [adp] => 937 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [adp] => 937 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [adp] => 937 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [adp] => 937 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 5 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 [4] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [442343] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Pamela Perez Aguirre - AT&T [body] => have the MV on hand [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442343 ) [442335] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Guadalupe - AT&T [body] => I consider that it was the fact of how the topics were addressed, there are many concepts but I liked that it allowed us to understand how docker works and what it consists of. [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442335 ) [442327] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => David Alejandro - AT&T [body] => The level of knowledge and the way to develop it [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442327 ) [442315] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Leonardo Daniel - AT&T [body] => -The instructor's mastery of the topics is perfect. -The environment to develop the exercises is very stable and allows you to work comfortably. -The exercises are easy to understand and they all work in the environment they provide us. [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442315 ) [442299] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Víctor Edgar - AT&T [body] => The instructor's explanations and the way in which the VMs were prepared to start the training and the topics covered [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442299 ) ) [7] => 4.6 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 131 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => nobleprog_site_production_url ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 44 [function] => islc_get_current_site [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => advdocker [hr_nid] => 312439 [title] => Advanced Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to advance their knowledge of Docker to deploy applications at a larger scale while maintaining control.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to advance their knowledge of Docker so as to deploy applications at a larger scale while maintaining control.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker Features and Architecture

Setting up Docker

Building Your Own Docker Images

Running Multi-Container Docker Applications with Docker Compose

The Challenges of Deploying Many Docker Applications

How Container Orchestration Helps You Maintain Control

Kubernetes in Action

Advanced Docker Networking

Docker Security

Setting up a Continuous Integration Workflow for Docker Applications

Integrating Docker Applications into an Existing Workflow

Container and Orchestration Best Practices


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037510 [source_title] => Advanced Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 969 [alias] => docker-training [name] => Docker [english_name] => Docker [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => advdocker [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [cka] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cka [hr_nid] => 338643 [title] => Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program was created by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Kubernetes is nowadys a leading platform used for containers orchestration.

NobleProg have been delivering Docker & Kubernetes training from 2015. With more than 360 successfully completed training projects, we became one of the best known training companies worldwide in field of containerization.

Since 2019 we are also helping our customers to confirm their performance in k8s environment by preparing them and encouraging to pass CKA and CKAD exams.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at System Administrators, Kubernetes users who wish to confirm their knowledge by passing CKA exam.

On the other hand, training is focused also on gaining practical experience in Kubernetes Administration, so we recommend taking part in it, even if you don't intend to take CKA exam.

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Core concepts and Kubernetes architecture

  1. Kubernetes architecture and its main components
  2. Pods, Labels, Selectors, Deployments, Services, Namespaces
  3. Application lifecycle management
  4. Deployment of applications and services

Installation, Configuration & Validation

  1. Kubernetes installation using kubeadm
  2. Growing the cluster
  3. Standalone pods
  4. Control Plane High Availability
  5. Cluster maintenance
  6. Upgrade to a new version
  7. Cordoning and draining nodes


  1. Containers network model in Kubernetes
  2. Service discovery, scaling and load balancing
  3. DNS for service discovery


  1. Node selectors
  2. Affinity and anti-affinity rules
  3. Taints and tolerations


  1. Authentication, Authorization and RBAC
  2. Configuring TLS access to API

Logging / Monitoring

  1. Application and system components logging
  2. Cluster wide logging architecture
  3. Metrics Sever
  4. Prometheus


  1. Storage architecture
  2. Storage backend in Kubernetes: local, NFS, GlusterFS
  3. Storage classes and dynamic storage provisioning
  4. Resource quotas


[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715665198 [source_title] => Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -997 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cka ) [ckad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ckad [hr_nid] => 338647 [title] => Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) program has been developed by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the host of Kubernetes.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at Developers who wish to confirm their skills in design, build, configure, and expose cloud native applications for Kubernetes. 

On the other hand, training is also focused on gaining practical experience in Kubernetes application development, so we recommend taking part in it, even if you don't intend to take CKAD exam.

NobleProg have been delivering Docker & Kubernetes training from 2015. With more than 360 successfully completed training projects, we became one of the best known training company worldwide in field of containerization. Since 2019 we are also helping our customers to confirm their performance in k8s environment by preparing them and encouraging to pass CKA and CKAD exams.

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Core concepts

  1. Kubernetes architecture
  2. Cluster components

Building the app

  1. Creating containers
  2. Configuring local Docker repo

Pod design

  1. Base configuration
  2. Liveness and readiness probes
  3. CPU and memory constraints
  4. Resource limits for a namespace


  1. Security context
  2. Service accounts
  3. Secrets
  4. Kubernetes network policy
  5. Linux capabilities

Deployment configuration

  1. Controllers: deployments, daemon sets and stateful sets
  2. Jobs and cron jobs
  3. Config maps
  4. Rolling upgrade, blue-green deployment, canary deployment
  5. Using Helm for managing deployments
  6. Kubernetes API resources

Multi-container pods

  1. Sidecar, ambassador and adapter containers
  2. Init containers

Services & Networking

  1. Services and different types
  2. Load balancing
  3. Ingress controller

State Persistence

  1. Persistence of application state in Kubernetes
  2. Ephemeral storage
  3. Persistent volumes and claims
  4. Storage classes
[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715665206 [source_title] => Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -991 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ckad ) [dockcm] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockcm [hr_nid] => 113804 [title] => Container Management with Docker [requirements] =>

Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.

[overview] =>

Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to maintain distributed applications. It consists of a runtime to run containers and a service for sharing containers.

With docker the same app can run unchanged on laptops, dedicated servers and virtual servers.

This course, during the two first days, teaches the basic usage of Docker, useful both for developers and system administrators. The course includes a lot of hands on exercises and the participants will practice in their own Docker environment and build their own Docker images.

On the last day participants will learn about more advanced tools that supports Docker. It will be Docker Machine, Docker Compose and Docker Swarm.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker?

Installation of Docker

Container life cycle

Dockerizing applications

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Docker Compose

Docker Swarm

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037186 [source_title] => Container Management with Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockcm ) [docker] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => docker [hr_nid] => 312423 [title] => Introduction to Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to use Docker to deploy and manage software as containers instead of as traditional stand-alone software.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to use Docker to deploy and manage software as containers instead of as traditional stand-alone software.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


The Benefits of Containerizing Software

Setting up Docker

Overview of Docker Features and Architecture

Working with Images and Containers

Creating and Managing Dockerfiles

Docker Networking

Working with Registries

Beyond Docker Containers - Container Orchestration


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037510 [source_title] => Introduction to Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => docker ) [dockeradm1] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockeradm1 [hr_nid] => 69310 [title] => Docker for Developers and System Administrators [requirements] =>

Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.

[overview] =>

Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to maintain distributed applications. It consists of a runtime to run containers and a service for sharing containers.

With docker the same app can run unchanged on laptops, dedicated servers and virtual servers.

This course teaches the basic usage of Docker, useful both for developers and system administrators. The course includes a lot of hands on exercises and the participants will practice in their own Docker environment and build their own Docker images during the 2 days.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker?

Docker architecture

The underlying technology

Installation of Docker

Dockerizing applications

Container usage

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Contributing to the ecosystem

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715592376 [source_title] => Docker for Developers and System Administrators [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockeradm1 ) [dockerjekins] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerjekins [hr_nid] => 326783 [title] => Docker and Jenkins for DevOps [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Jenkins is an open sourced automation server for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) . Docker is a service platform for delivering software in containers. Jenkins and Docker together optimizes and simplifies the CI/CD process by allowing for more reliable deployment and testing environments.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at DevOp engineers who wish to optimize and simplify the CI/CD process with Docker and Jenkins.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at DevOp engineers who wish to optimize and simplify the CI/CD process with Docker and Jenkins.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>



Jenkins Pipeline


Distributed environment


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037551 [source_title] => Docker and Jenkins for DevOps [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerjekins ) [dockerkubernetesaws] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesaws [hr_nid] => 313511 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes on AWS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

There are a number of options for deploying Docker and Kubernetes on AWS, including Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon ECS for Kubernetes, AWS Fargate, and Amazon EC2.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to evaluate each of these services to make an informed decision about which to deploy within their organization.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in (online or onsite) is aimed at engineers who wish to evaluate each of these services to make an informed decisions about which to deploy within their organization.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker and Kubernetes on AWS

Preparing the Development Environment

Using Amazon Elastic Container Service

Using Amazon ECS for Kubernetes

AWS Fargate

Amazon EC2

Setting up a Continuous Integration Pipeline

Integrating Docker and Kubernetes with an existing Continuous Integration System


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037512 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes on AWS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -973 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesaws ) [dockerkubernetesopenshift] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesopenshift [hr_nid] => 277930 [title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (formerly OpenShift Enterprise) is an on-premises platform-as-a-service used for developing and deploying containerized applications on Kubernetes. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to manage Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn how to manage Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of Docker and Kubernetes

Overview of OpenShift Container Platform Architecture

Creating Containerized Services

Managing Containers

Creating and Managing Container Images

Deploying Multi-container Applications

Setting up an OpenShift Cluster

Securing OpenShift Container Platform

Monitoring OpenShift Container Platform

Deploying Applications on OpenShift Container Platform using Source-to-Image (S2I)

Managing Storage

Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349940 [source_title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -994 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesopenshift ) [dockerkubernetesscale] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockerkubernetesscale [hr_nid] => 208021 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to create and manage Docker containers, then deploy a sample application inside a container. Participants will also learn how to automate, scale, and manage their containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, the training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, scaling and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course


[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc> (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to create and manage Docker containers, then deploy a sample application inside a container. Participants will also learn how to automate, scale, and manage their containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, the training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, scaling and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

[Day 01]


Overview of Docker architecture

Using Docker to run and manage containers

Brief overview of container orchestration

Installing Docker

Pulling an image from the internet

Running the container

Docker registries

Creating and managing Dockerfiles

Building a Docker image

Deploying a web application

How Docker containers communicate with each other

Configuring volumes and networks in Docker

[Day 02]

Deep dive into container orchestration with Kubernetes

Overview of Kubernetes architecture

Installing a Kubernetes cluster

Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments

Grouping and organizing your cluster

Discovering and publishing services

Discovering and connecting to containers

Deploying a web application

Kubernetes security

Advanced networking

Monitoring Kubernetes

[Day 03]

Scaling your Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure for Kubernetes

Building a high-availability cluster

Deploying a scalable application

Updating your application


Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349914 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -998 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockerkubernetesscale ) [dockertraining] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockertraining [hr_nid] => 343419 [title] => Docker from Basic to Advanced [requirements] => [overview] =>

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] => [outline] =>
  1. Introduction
  2. The Benefits of Containerizing Sofware
  3. Setting up Docker
  4. Overview of Docker Features and Architecture
  5. Working with Images and Containers
  6. Building Your Own Docker Images
  7. Creating and Managing Dockerfiles
  8. Running Multi-Container Docker Applications with Docker Compose
  9. Docker Networking
  10. Advanced Docker Networking
  11. Working with Registries
  12. Docker Security
  13. How Container Orchestration help You Maintain Control
  14. Beyond Docker Containers - Container Orchestration
  15. Container and Orchestration Best Practices
  16. Troubleshooting
  17. Summary and Conclusion
[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1704230431 [source_title] => Docker from Basic to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockertraining ) [dockkube] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkube [hr_nid] => 98996 [title] => Docker (introducing Kubernetes) [requirements] => [overview] =>

The objective of this practical course is to provide all the tools that address the practical aspects of Docker and Kubernetes, in order that the participants can count on the necessary skills for the proper management of the program.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

What is Docker

Use cases

Docker architecture

The underlying technology

Installation of Docker

Dockerizing applications

Container usage

Managing images

Networking of containers

Data in containers

Contributing to the ecosystem

Kubernetes introduction

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037172 [source_title] => Docker (introducing Kubernetes) [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -995 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkube ) [dockkubernetes1] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkubernetes1 [hr_nid] => 97474 [title] => Docker and Kubernetes [requirements] => [overview] =>

This Docker and Kubernetes training course is designed to provide attendees with a comprehensive foundation of Docker and Kubernetes technologies. The entire core features of Kubernetes is covered including, Pods, Labels, Volumes, Replication Controllers, Services and more. The course takes attendees from installation to management and usage through a combination of lecture and hands-on lab exercises where they will gain experience configuring and managing Kubernetes objects. In addition, this course will give attendees a solid understanding of Kubernetes including advanced features and security to run safety a Kubernetes cluster in production.

This course is for people and teams that want to learn Kubernetes foundation and containers orchestration requirements to build services that are secure, robust, highly available, resilient and self-healing:

· Developers

· Operations

· DevOps

· QA Engineers

· IT Project Managers

[category_overview] =>

Training objectives: Acquire theoretical and operational skills on Docker and Kubernetes.

[outline] =>

Day 1

· Docker and Linux container technology

· Docker containers lifecycle

· Working with Docker images

· Network communication between containers

· Persistence of data in containers

· Container orchestration requirements and available options

· Introduction to Kubernetes and other orchestration systems

· Kubernetes core concepts: Pods, Labels, Controllers, Services, Secretes, Persistent Data Volumes, Claims, Namespaces, Quotas


Day 2

· Kubernetes reference architecture and its main components

· Containers network model in Kubernetes

· Service discovery, scaling and load balancing

· DNS for service discovery

· Ingress controller and reverse proxy

· Persistence of application state and the data volume model in Kubernetes

· Storage backend in Kubernetes: local, NFS, GlusterFS, Ceph

· Cluster management

· Deployment of applications and services on a Kubernetes cluster


Day 3

· Advanced controllers: Daemon Sets and Stateful Sets

· Job and Cron jobs

· Standalone pods

· Storage Classes and Dynamic Storage provisioning

· Network policies

· Securing a Kubernetes cluster

· Authentication, Authorization and Access Control

· Control Plane High Availability

· Auto Scaling

· Cluster monitoring

· Troubleshooting

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1706700223 [source_title] => Docker and Kubernetes [source_language] => fr [cert_code] => [weight] => -1000 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkubernetes1 ) [dockkubopenshift] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => dockkubopenshift [hr_nid] => 280402 [title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.

Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

OpenShift Container Platform (formerly OpenShift Enterprise) brings Docker and Kubernetes together into a managed platform, or PaaS (Platform as a Service), to further ease and simplify the deployment of Docker and Kubernetes. It provides predefined application environments and helps to realize key DevOps principles such as reduced time to market, infrastructure as code, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD). OpenShift Container Platform is maintained by Red Hat and runs atop of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to use OpenShift Container Platform to deploy containerized applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn how to use OpenShift Container Platform to deploy containerized applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>




OpenShift Container Platform

Closing remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037400 [source_title] => Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -993 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => dockkubopenshift ) [kubernetes] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => kubernetes [hr_nid] => 284497 [title] => Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to deploy a collection of sample servers inside containers, then automate, scale, and manage their containerized servers within a Kubernetes cluster. The training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, networking and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course


[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc> (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to deploy a collection of sample servers inside containers, then automate, scale, and manage their containerized servers within a Kubernetes cluster. The training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, networking and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

[Day 01]


Overview of container orchestration with Kubernetes

Overview of Kubernetes architecture

Installing a Kubernetes cluster

Pulling a Docker image from the internet

Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments

Grouping and organizing your cluster

Using Kubernetes Namespaces to manage different environments

Discovering and connecting to containers

Discovering and publishing services

Kubernetes security

Upgrading a Kubernetes cluster

Advanced networking

Interfacing between network providers and Kubernetes networking

Monitoring Kubernetes

Best Practices for running containerized servers and data stores

[Day 02]

Scaling your Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure for Kubernetes

Building a high-availability cluster

Deploying a scalable application

Updating your application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350267 [source_title] => Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -999 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => kubernetes ) [microsvcspringdocker] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => microsvcspringdocker [hr_nid] => 280354 [title] => Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Spring Cloud is an open-source lightweight microservices framework for building Java applications for the cloud.

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Docker lends itself well to the creation of microservice applications.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn the fundamentals of building microservices using Spring Cloud and Docker. Participant knowledge is put to the test through exercises and the step-by-step development of sample microservices.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] =>

In this instructor-led, live training in <loc>, participants will learn the fundamentals of building microservices using Spring Cloud and Docker. Participant knowledge is put to the test through exercises and the step-by-step development of sample microservices.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Understanding Microservices and the Microservice Architecture

Overview of Docker and Containerization

Overview of Spring Cloud and Spring Boot

Creating the Configuration Service and the Discovery Service with Spring Cloud

Using the API Gateway with Spring Cloud

Building a Container Image for Each Microservice Using Docker

Storing Data Across Different Databases

Building an API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

Using the Netflix Eureka and Consult Discovery Services (Service Registries) to Register and Discover Services

Using Docker Compose for Integration Testing

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350267 [source_title] => Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => microsvcspringdocker ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => cka [1] => ckad [2] => dockcm [3] => docker [4] => dockeradm1 [5] => dockerjekins [6] => dockerkubernetesaws [7] => dockerkubernetesopenshift [8] => dockerkubernetesscale [9] => dockertraining [10] => dockkube [11] => dockkubernetes1 [12] => dockkubopenshift [13] => kubernetes [14] => microsvcspringdocker ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ec_4966] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4966 [title] => Guayaquil [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661446] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661446 [title] => Guayaquil - Mall del Sol [vfdc] => 175.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [classroom guaranteed] => 4287 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4287 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [classroom guaranteed] => 5344 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2672 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [classroom guaranteed] => 6402 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2134 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [classroom guaranteed] => 7460 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1865 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [classroom guaranteed] => 8515 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1703 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [classroom guaranteed] => 9570 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1595 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [classroom guaranteed] => 10626 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1518 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [classroom guaranteed] => 11688 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1461 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [classroom guaranteed] => 12744 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1416 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [classroom guaranteed] => 13800 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1380 ) ) ) ) ) [ec_4967] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4967 [title] => Quito [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661447] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661447 [title] => Quito - Av Eloy Alfaro [vfdc] => 200.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [classroom guaranteed] => 4337 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4337 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [classroom guaranteed] => 5374 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2687 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [classroom guaranteed] => 6411 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2137 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [classroom guaranteed] => 7448 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1862 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [classroom guaranteed] => 8485 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1697 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [classroom guaranteed] => 9522 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1587 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [classroom guaranteed] => 10556 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1508 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [classroom guaranteed] => 11600 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1450 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [classroom guaranteed] => 12636 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1404 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [classroom guaranteed] => 13670 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 937 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1367 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3937 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3937 [adp] => 937 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4874 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2437 [adp] => 937 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5811 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1937 [adp] => 937 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6748 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1687 [adp] => 937 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7685 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1537 [adp] => 937 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8622 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1437 [adp] => 937 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9562 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1366 [adp] => 937 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 10496 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1312 [adp] => 937 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11430 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1270 [adp] => 937 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12370 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1237 [adp] => 937 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 5 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 [4] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [442343] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Pamela Perez Aguirre - AT&T [body] => have the MV on hand [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442343 ) [442335] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Guadalupe - AT&T [body] => I consider that it was the fact of how the topics were addressed, there are many concepts but I liked that it allowed us to understand how docker works and what it consists of. [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442335 ) [442327] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => David Alejandro - AT&T [body] => The level of knowledge and the way to develop it [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442327 ) [442315] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Leonardo Daniel - AT&T [body] => -The instructor's mastery of the topics is perfect. -The environment to develop the exercises is very stable and allows you to work comfortably. -The exercises are easy to understand and they all work in the environment they provide us. [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442315 ) [442299] => Array ( [title] => [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Víctor Edgar - AT&T [body] => The instructor's explanations and the way in which the VMs were prepared to start the training and the topics covered [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 442299 ) ) [7] => 4.6 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/advdocker ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) )