NP URI: Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 397 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql_identifier_quote_character [1] => ` ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 329 [function] => setPrefix [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [default] => ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 349 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=hitrahr [1] => root [2] => asdf [3] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1796 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) [pdo] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1582 [function] => openConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrahr [1] => default ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 2467 [function] => getConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 31 [function] => db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_url_alias WHERE field_url_alias_value = :alias AND entity_type = 'taxonomy_term' AND language = :language [1] => Array ( [:alias] => cc [:language] => en ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/category-functions.php [line] => 149 [function] => np_db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrahr [1] => db_query [2] => SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_url_alias WHERE field_url_alias_value = :alias AND entity_type = 'taxonomy_term' AND language = :language [3] => Array ( [:alias] => cc [:language] => en ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/routes.logic.php [line] => 75 [function] => category_validate_url_alias [args] => Array ( [0] => cc ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 86 [function] => check_for_module [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds [1] => Array ( [0] => [1] => cc [2] => agiletdds [3] => en ) ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 397 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql_identifier_quote_character [1] => ` ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 329 [function] => setPrefix [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [default] => ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 349 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=common_fe [1] => root [2] => asdf [3] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1796 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) [pdo] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1582 [function] => openConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => common_fe [1] => default ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 2467 [function] => getConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 31 [function] => db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT * FROM price_formulas WHERE country_code = :country_code [1] => Array ( [:country_code] => ec ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 111 [function] => np_db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => common_fe [1] => db_query [2] => SELECT * FROM price_formulas WHERE country_code = :country_code [3] => Array ( [:country_code] => ec ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 93 [function] => get_formula [args] => Array ( [0] => ec ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 355 [function] => course_price_v2_formula [args] => Array ( ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 344 [function] => course_price_change_to_fe_p [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds [1] => 35 [2] => za_midrange,pl_1500 [3] => 0 [4] => [5] => USD ) ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 316 [function] => course_price_get_default_price [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds ) ) [13] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 15 [function] => course_price_get_price [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds ) ) [14] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds ) ) [15] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [16] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [17] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [18] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "sdp" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:281 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 281 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "sdp" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 281 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 5 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 35 [course_code] => agiletdds [venue_id] => ec_15661446 [vfdc] => 175.00 [vadc] => 60.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:286 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 286 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 286 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 5 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 35 [course_code] => agiletdds [venue_id] => ec_15661446 [vfdc] => 175.00 [vadc] => 60.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:289 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 289 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 289 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 5 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 35 [course_code] => agiletdds [venue_id] => ec_15661446 [vfdc] => 175.00 [vadc] => 60.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "sdp" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:281 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 281 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "sdp" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 281 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 5 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 35 [course_code] => agiletdds [venue_id] => ec_15661447 [vfdc] => 200.00 [vadc] => 50.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:286 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 286 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 286 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 5 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 35 [course_code] => agiletdds [venue_id] => ec_15661447 [vfdc] => 200.00 [vadc] => 50.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:289 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 289 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 289 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 5 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 35 [course_code] => agiletdds [venue_id] => ec_15661447 [vfdc] => 200.00 [vadc] => 50.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => agiletdds ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php:16) /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php:119 Array ( [0] => Array ( [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php:16) [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [3] => 119 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 119 [function] => header [args] => Array ( [0] => X-CSRF-Token:Tm9ibGVQcm9nMTcxNjAyMzk5Ng== ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 82 [function] => course_generate_csrf_token [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => agiletdds [hr_nid] => 114618 [title] => Agile, TDD and Swift [requirements] => [overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who wish to write high quality iOS applications in Swift. This is a hands on course which involves writing a number of increasingly complex high quality applications. Delegates will need to have an Apple copmputer with the latest version of OS X and Xcode installed. Delegates wishing to run applications on real devices, rather than emulators, will need to be registered with Apple as iOS developers and have their devices registered.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>



TDD and Continuous Integration

Adaptive Layout

More Swift

Advanced Features


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037189 [source_title] => Agile, TDD and Swift [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 760 [alias] => agile-training [name] => Agile [english_name] => Agile [consulting_option] => available ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 973 [alias] => swift-training [name] => Swift [english_name] => Swift [consulting_option] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2018 [alias] => tdd-training [name] => Test Driven Development (TDD) [english_name] => Test Driven Development (TDD) [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => agiletdds [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [agiletddc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agiletddc [hr_nid] => 282386 [title] => Agile and TDD with C [requirements] => [overview] =>

TDD, or Test Driven Development, is an approach to developing software where coding, testing, and design occur in tandem throughout the software development cycle. Agile is a broader process and management approach to software development that emphasizes incremental delivery, team collaboration, continual planning, and continual learning.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to write high-quality C applications using a TDD and Agile development approach. Participants will put their knowledge into practice by carrying out a series of hands-on exercises to create a well-designed and well-tested C application.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:


Format of the Course


[category_overview] => [outline] =>


TDD (2 Days)

Installing and Configuring Automated Unit Testing Frameworks

TDD Approaches

Implementing TDD

Agile (1 Day)


Implementing Agile

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037422 [source_title] => Agile and TDD with C [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agiletddc ) [amr5563] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => amr5563 [hr_nid] => 191917 [title] => Test Driven Development [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course introduces the principles of Test Driven Development.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Automated unit testing frameworks

TDD approaches

TDD challenges

Merits of good tests in TDD context

Coverage and counter-arguments

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037238 [source_title] => Test Driven Development [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => amr5563 ) [ios8xcode6devs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ios8xcode6devs [hr_nid] => 74886 [title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [requirements] => [overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS8. The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using Apple's new Swift programming language using the Xcode6 IDE. During the course a fully functional Tetris style block game will be developed from scratch using Swift. The course ends with developing a new application from scratch in Swift. The course assumes some programming experience.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad need to be registered as iOS developers with Apple and have registered their device for development. Apple charge $99 per year to register as an iOS developer.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects



Swift Classes

Working with Graphics

User Interaction

Case Study

Distributing Applications

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037142 [source_title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ios8xcode6devs ) [ios_swift3] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ios_swift3 [hr_nid] => 198965 [title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4 [requirements] =>

You must have at least one programming language experience in the past.

[overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 11. Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 9 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1:

  1. OOPS concepts
  2. What is software
  3. Organized v/s un-organized rooms
  4. Why Software
  5. Why iOS
  6. Apple History
  7. iOS History
  8. Apple’s USP
  9. What Apple is famous for
  10. UX v/s UI
  11. IDE?
  12. XCode
  13. XCode installation
  14. Why Objective C and now why Swift?
  15. Wow Factors in Swift 
  16. Swift Basics
  17. Variables
  18. Constants
  19. Hello World in Swift
  20. Label making via code
  21. ImageView
  22. ImageView animations
  23. NSTimer
  24. Responder Chain - touchBegan, touchMoved, etc methods
  25. UiApplication main delegate
  26. Application Life Cycle
  27. View Life Cycle
  28. Any
  29. Optionals
  30. internal, public, private
  31. init
  32. deinit
  33. Playground

Application to Do: Dots Game:

Day 2:

  1. UIView animations
  2. Extenstion
  3. UITable View
  4. Custom Cell in Table View
  5. Delegate and Data Source Methods in Delegates
  6. Header, Footer, Height, etc of Table View
  7. Brief of Collection View
  8. Deque in table view
  9. Mark
  10. Optionals
  11. didSet
  12. willSet
  13. Guard
  14. 2x and 3x concepts
  15. Navigate from one view to other
  16. UINavigation Controller
  17. Present a Controller
  18. StoryBoards
  19. Xibs
  20. Constraints
  21. Size classes
  22. Protocols - Required and optional
  23. Memory management

Application to Do: Notes app : Adding, deleting and updating note

Days 3:

  1. Gestures
  2. Closure
  3. Groups and folders
  4. Gesture recognizers
  5. XML Parsing
  6. NSJSon Serialization
  7. Converting Data to Json
  8. File Manager
  9. Tuples
  10. Enum
  11. For-in
  12. While
  13. Webservices
  14. URL Session
  15. URLRequest
  16. Why eco system of apple is best
  17. Printable - description
  18. Hashable
  19. UIAlertView
  20. UIActivityIndicatorView

Application to Do: Getting data from server from an open API app and make a table view and populate data and show its details also.

Days 4:

  1. Lazy loading of images
  2. Lazy properties
  3. NSOperationQueue
  4. GCD
  5. Directory concept and security of apps NSSearchDomain
  6. Tab Bar controller
  7. Localization
  8. Key Chain
  9. User Defaults
  10. PLists
  11. FileManager
  12. SQlite
  13. Extensiosn
  14. Social media integration: Make own sharable content
  15. UITextField
  16. UITextView
  17. UISegementControl
  18. UISlider
  19. UiSwtich
  20. UIProgessBar
  21. UIPageControl
  22. UIStepper
  23. UIScrollView
  24. UIPicker
  25. UIActionSheet
  26. UIWebView
  27. SearchBar
  28. New target : Apple Watch, Extensions, Keyboard, Today, etc
  29. NSNotifications in IOS
  30. Adding third party libraries
  31. Core Data
  32. Deployment and distribution
  33. Running app on real devices

Application to Do: Getting data from server from an open API app and make a table view and populate data and show its details also and show Search bar and search for something and Core

Days 5:

  1. Push Notification - Silent and Push
  2. Localization
  3. Overview of Objective C
  4. Properties
  5. Categories
  6. Functions syntax
  7. .h and .m file
  8. Property attributes readWrite and readOnly
  9. Property attributes strong, weak and copy
  10. Property attributes atomic and non-atomic
  11. Uploading app to app store

Application of your own idea

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037247 [source_title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ios_swift3 ) [swiftxcode] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => swiftxcode [hr_nid] => 200269 [title] => iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10 [requirements] =>

The course assumes some programming experience.

[overview] =>

Who should attend?

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 10. Xcode8, Swift3 and iOS 10 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 8 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects

Adaptive Layout


Swift Classes and Scenes

Working with Graphics

User Interaction

Multiple Screen Applications

Location Services

Device Access and Storage


Speech Framework


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037256 [source_title] => iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => swiftxcode ) [swift_4] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => swift_4 [hr_nid] => 278754 [title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course [requirements] =>

You must have at least one programming language experience in the past.

[overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 11. Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 9 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Apple hardware such as a MacBook Pro or a Mac Mini.

Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software - Xcode.

Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

Delegate must be able to understand all basics of Swift after this and course and should be able to make any kind of application in iOS and dig into more complex applications on iOS

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Basic Concepts of Programming

Why Apple and iOS 

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects

Swift Basics

Image Animation and image loading

Swift Classes and Scenes

Life Cycle and Responder Chain

Adaptive Layout

Notifications and Localization 

Overview of Objective C

Social Media Integration in iOS :

UI Components in iOS :

Some other basics components and others in iOS :

Threading in iOS :

User Interaction

Multiple Screen Applications

Location Services

Device Access and Storage

Speech Framework

Multipeer Framework


Upload App to App Store 


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037375 [source_title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => swift_4 ) [3587] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3587 [hr_nid] => 3587 [title] => Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile Techniques [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

This 2 day course is suitable for any IT professionals who are interested in using the Waterfall model and how people have traditionally tried to deal with its shortcomings - including, but not limited to, Agile approaches.

The aim of the 1st day is to give an overview of these approaches enabling you to decide what might suit them in your environment.

The 2nd day looks at project management techniques and good practices that have been identified from Agile, and which can be applied in a Waterfall or Agile context.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1 - Managing Software Projects in a Waterfall Context

1. Introduction to Waterfall

a. Historical Context
  1. Winston Royce
  2. Background in manufacturing processes
b. Waterfall stages
  1. Requirements gathering
  2. Design
  3. Implementation
  4. Verification
  5. Maintenance
c. Waterfall challenges
  1. Handling change
  2. Distance between business knowledge and implementation
  3. Storing risk to late in the lifecycle
  4. Prioritisation of scope
d. Summary of reactions to Waterfall model
  1. Embrace – Waterfall approaches, eg SSADM
  2. Cope – V-Model
  3. Adapt – Incremental
  4. Reject – Agile
  5. Enhance – Lean

2. V-Model coping strategies for Waterfall delivery

a. Early verification and validation
  1. Cost of finding late
  2. Reviews and inspections
  3. Static analysis
b. V-Model test stages
  1. Unit/Unit integration
  2. System
  3. System Integration
  4. Acceptance
c. V-Model benefits
  1. Increased end-user involvement in verification
  2. Early risk mitigation

3. Adapting Waterfall with Incremental approaches

a. Types of Incremental approaches
  1. Pre-planned 
  2. Parallel, RAD
  3. Evolutionary, RUP
b. Incremental delivery principles
  1. Product increments
  2. Proto-typing
  3. Timeboxing
c. Benefits of incremental delivery
  1. Increased user involvement in decision making
  2. Early return on investment
  3. Reacts to change 

4. Rejecting the Waterfall model in favour of Agile

a. Agile Essentials
  1. Agile Manifesto
  2. Agile Principles
b. Introduction to Scrum, the most popular Agile framework
  1. Iterative delivery
  2. Collaborative working
  3. Just in time documentation
  4. Adaptive planning
c. Benefits of Agile
  1. Increased user involvement throughout process
  2. Empowered development team
  3. Rapid return on investment
  4. Greater ability to react to change
  5. Reduce nugatory development

5. Enhancing Waterfall with Kanban delivery

a. Lean and Kanban 
  1. History of Lean delivery 
  2. History of Kanban
  3. Principle of reducing waste
b. Introduction to Kanban
  1. The Kanban board
  2. Managing work-in-progress
c. Benefits of Kanban
  1. Greater ability to react to change
  2. Rapid return on investment
  3. Reduce nugatory development

Day 2 - Agile Project Management Techniques

1. Empirical Process Control

a. Inspect
  1. Demonstration
  2. Retrospection
b. Adapt
  1. Adaptive planning
  2. Continuous improvement
c. Transparency
  1. Stakeholder involvement
  2. Contract negotiation
  3. Just in time documentation

2. Managing requirements

a. Backlogs
  1. Product
  2. Release
  3. Sprint
b. Backlog Items
  1. User Stories
  2. Defects
  3. Requirements specifications
c. Risk
  1. Adjusting Backlog for risk
  2. Risk burndown

3. Estimation and control

a. Timebox planning
  1. Release planning
  2. Iteration planning
  3. Daily communication
b. Prioritisation techniques
  1. MoSCow
  2. Value based
  3. Other techniques
c. Estimation techniques
  1. User story grooming
  2. Planning Poker

4. Delivery management

a. Iterative delivery
  1. Team velocity
  2. Rapid return on investment
b. Information radiators
  1. Scrum wall
  2. Burn-down chart

5. Team management

a. Associative leadership
  1. ScrumMaster as facilitator
  2. Role of the traditional project manager
b. End-user involvement
  1. The single decision maker - the Product Owner
  2. Communicating with stakeholders (Pigs and Chickens)
c. Empowered team
  1. Self-managing teams
  2. The role of the specialist within the team
  3. Managing split teams
[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037114 [source_title] => Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile Techniques [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3587 ) [agileba] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileba [hr_nid] => 191768 [title] => Agile Business Analysis [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course focuses on the business analyst role to be successful on Agile projects. Course participants will learn how to cooperate with the Team, Product Owner, Scrum Master as well as with the Customer to facilitate the development process. Participants will go through a mock project practising common scenarios.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Agile/Scrum Principles

Initiating a Scrum Project

Scrum Process

Roles Relations


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037238 [source_title] => Agile Business Analysis [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileba ) [agileess] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileess [hr_nid] => 2948 [title] => Agile Essentials [requirements] =>

Note: This course has a minimum requirement of 4 delegates

[overview] =>

The iSQI Agile Essentials course is an internationally recognised qualification, Aimed at anyone involved in agile Projects and wants to become familiar with working in an agile environment. This includes Project Managers, Quality Managers, Software Development Managers, Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, IT Directors and Management Consultants. The course is comprised of eight sections and takes participants through the lifecycle of an agile project from the release planning and writing user stories to the iteration review (showcase) and retrospective. The first day focuses on the key principles (55% of the day on theory, 45% exercises), the second is dominated by practical application (40% theory, 60% exercises).

Course Objectives

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1

Day 2

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037089 [source_title] => Agile Essentials [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileess ) [agilekanban] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilekanban [hr_nid] => 2765 [title] => Agile Project Management with Kanban [requirements] =>


Knowledge of basic phrases in project management, participation in projects with a team of several people.


Participation in the "Agile Project Management with Scrum" training course.

[overview] =>

Target group:

IT Director, Project Manager, Technical Team Leader, Analyst, Software Developer, Tester

Learning objective:

The purpose of this training is to acquire knowledge and practice of the workshops  aspects of Kanban and Agile foundations.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction to Agile

Command & Control vs. Agile


Team work

Kanban Board

Customer Engagement



[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037086 [source_title] => Agile Project Management with Kanban [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilekanban ) [agilekanbanlean] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilekanbanlean [hr_nid] => 114715 [title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course is created for people who need to combine Agile (notably SCRUM), with Lean and Kanban togather to manage their projects.

It combines the worlds of product design and software design.


[category_overview] => [outline] =>



Why Agile?

Product owner

The sprint

Scrum Master

Finishing a sprint


Command & Control vs. Agile


Team work

Kanban Board

Customer Engagement


Product Discovery Methods and Tools


[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037191 [source_title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilekanbanlean ) [agileprodmgnt] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileprodmgnt [hr_nid] => 448935 [title] => Agile Product Management - Growth Marketing [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Agile Product Management is a methodology used in products and services development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness to change throughout the product development lifecycle.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at marketing executives who wish to understand how to leverage Agile frameworks to optimize growth marketing strategies, create customer-centric products, and achieve scalable growth.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at marketing executives who wish to understand how to leverage Agile frameworks to optimize growth marketing strategies, create customer-centric products, and achieve scalable growth.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Understanding the Product Management Framework

Product Management Success Factors

Identifying and Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Forecasting Sales and Revenues

Developing Financials for the Business Case

Value Engineering Products to the Market Price Points

Developing Strategies for Pricing

Establishing Quality Criteria and Management

Understanding the Agile Delivery Triangle

Types of Project Lifecycle

Understanding the Agile Process and Planning Techniques

Using Burndown Charts for Delivery Control

Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037976 [source_title] => Agile Product Management - Growth Marketing [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileprodmgnt ) [agilescrum] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilescrum [hr_nid] => 278 [title] => Agile Project Management with Scrum [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Who should attend?

This 2 day course is suitable for any IT professionals who are interested in implementing Iterative Agile and Scrum methodologies to manage software development. This course is particularly suited to project managers, team leaders, developers and customers of software development wishing to have a stake holding in the development process.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Why Agile?

Product owner

The sprint

Scrum Master

Finishing a sprint

Is Agile and Scrum for you?

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037041 [source_title] => Agile Project Management with Scrum [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilescrum ) [agilesofttest] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilesofttest [hr_nid] => 389 [title] => Agile Software Testing [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

This course has been created for test managers, quality assurance staff, testers, software developers, project managers and management in order to explain how the Agile project management frameworks (notably SCRUM) deal with testing.

At the end of the course, each of the delegates will design and execute a test plan for a sample application (it can be an actual client application if available)

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Where the requirements come from?

Introduction to testing

Test or not to test

The process of Testing

Product owner and Tests

The sprint

Finishing a sprint

Is Agile and Scrum for you?

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037061 [source_title] => Agile Software Testing [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilesofttest ) [agilesofttestci] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilesofttestci [hr_nid] => 68640 [title] => Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration [requirements] => [overview] =>

Agile Software Testing is a series of testing practice that provides feesback to software quality issues in a timely and continuous manner following the principles of agile development.

Continuous Integration (CI) refers to all developers in a team merging their work several times a day.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>



Best Practices

Software Metrics

Software Testing



Tools and Environment CI

Agile and CI/QA


Introduction to testing

Test or not to test

The process of Testing

Product owner and Tests

[language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037136 [source_title] => Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilesofttestci ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => agiletddc [1] => amr5563 [2] => ios8xcode6devs [3] => ios_swift3 [4] => swiftxcode [5] => swift_4 [6] => 3587 [7] => agileba [8] => agileess [9] => agilekanban [10] => agilekanbanlean [11] => agileprodmgnt [12] => agilescrum [13] => agilesofttest [14] => agilesofttestci ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ec_4966] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4966 [title] => Guayaquil [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661446] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661446 [title] => Guayaquil - Mall del Sol [vfdc] => 175.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [classroom guaranteed] => 10062 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 10062 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [classroom guaranteed] => 12228 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 6114 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [classroom guaranteed] => 14391 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4797 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [classroom guaranteed] => 16556 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4139 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [classroom guaranteed] => 18720 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3744 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [classroom guaranteed] => 20886 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3481 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [classroom guaranteed] => 23051 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3293 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [classroom guaranteed] => 25216 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3152 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [classroom guaranteed] => 27378 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3042 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [classroom guaranteed] => 29550 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2955 ) ) ) ) ) [ec_4967] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4967 [title] => Quito [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661447] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661447 [title] => Quito - Av Eloy Alfaro [vfdc] => 200.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [classroom guaranteed] => 10187 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 10187 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [classroom guaranteed] => 12302 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 6151 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [classroom guaranteed] => 14418 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4806 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [classroom guaranteed] => 16532 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4133 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [classroom guaranteed] => 18645 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3729 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [classroom guaranteed] => 20760 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3460 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [classroom guaranteed] => 22876 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3268 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [classroom guaranteed] => 24992 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3124 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [classroom guaranteed] => 27108 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3012 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [classroom guaranteed] => 29220 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2922 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [adp] => 1865 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [adp] => 1865 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [adp] => 1865 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [adp] => 1865 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [adp] => 1865 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [adp] => 1865 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [adp] => 1865 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [adp] => 1865 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [adp] => 1865 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 5 [2] => 5 [3] => 5 [4] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [418523] => Array ( [title] => Agile Business Analysis [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Jeremie Mandap - Mizuho Bank Ltd - Manila Branch [body] => The DevOps tool [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 418523 ) [411955] => Array ( [title] => Agile and TDD with C [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Csongor Benedek - ACCENTURE [body] => The exercises whit which we were able to familiarise with the TDD [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 411955 ) [383411] => Array ( [title] => Test Driven Development [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Marc Dominic Bareng - Globe Telecom [body] => So far Deba was a very good trainer, expertise on the subject matter is very evident on how he answers and attend to our inquiries. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 383411 ) [347295] => Array ( [title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => piotr mokrzycki - GE Medical Systems Polska Sp. Z O.O. [body] => Marek has good contact with attenders catch when the people are not focused and work to motivate team. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 347295 ) [193005] => Array ( [title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Abdullah Alaradi - Thiqah Business Services [body] => He's an experienced trainer with a real life experience in the topic he was teaching. That led the course to cover the most important topics which interests any developer working in the field, and small details would be easily overseen if he was not working in this platform. Moreover, he was giving the course using the latest versions of iOS and Swift (10 \ 3) and that is a huge advantage to be adapting such new technology in short time. [mc] => He's an experienced trainer with a real life experience in the topic he was teaching. That led the course to cover the most important topics which interests any developer working in the field, and small details would be easily overseen if he was not working in this platform. Moreover, he was giving the course using the latest versions of is and Swift (10 \ 3) and that is a huge advantage to be adapting such new technology in short time. [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 193005 ) ) [7] => 5 [8] => 1 [9] => [10] => ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) Agile, TDD and Swift Training Course

Course Outline


  • Why Agile
  • Product Owner
  • The Sprint
  • Scrum Master
  • Finishing a Sprint
  • Writing User Stories


  • Swift Language
  • Memory Management
  • Using Xcode
  • Swift Playgrounds

TDD and Continuous Integration

  • OO Refresher
  • Test Driven Development
  • Xcode and XCTest
  • Swift TDD
  • Continuous Integration
  • Xcode Server

Adaptive Layout

  • Xcode Adaptive Layout
  • View Controllers
  • Linking controls with IBOutlet

More Swift

  • Timers
  • Table Views
  • Data Storage
  • Multiple View Controllers

Advanced Features

  • Manipulating Images
  • Animations
  • Mapds
  • Geolocation


  • Workshop to write a Swift application either individually or in small groups.
 35 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

Related Courses

Agile and TDD with C

21 Hours

Test Driven Development

21 Hours

iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6

35 Hours

iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4

35 Hours

iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10

35 Hours

iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course

35 Hours

Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile Techniques

14 Hours

Agile Business Analysis

14 Hours

Agile Essentials

14 Hours

Agile Project Management with Kanban

14 Hours

Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban

21 Hours

Agile Product Management - Growth Marketing

21 Hours

Agile Project Management with Scrum

14 Hours

Agile Software Testing

14 Hours

Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration

28 Hours

Related Categories

NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 131 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => nobleprog_site_production_url ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 94 [function] => islc_get_current_site [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 34 [function] => islc_get_site_list [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => agiletdds [hr_nid] => 114618 [title] => Agile, TDD and Swift [requirements] => [overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who wish to write high quality iOS applications in Swift. This is a hands on course which involves writing a number of increasingly complex high quality applications. Delegates will need to have an Apple copmputer with the latest version of OS X and Xcode installed. Delegates wishing to run applications on real devices, rather than emulators, will need to be registered with Apple as iOS developers and have their devices registered.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>



TDD and Continuous Integration

Adaptive Layout

More Swift

Advanced Features


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037189 [source_title] => Agile, TDD and Swift [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 760 [alias] => agile-training [name] => Agile [english_name] => Agile [consulting_option] => available ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 973 [alias] => swift-training [name] => Swift [english_name] => Swift [consulting_option] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2018 [alias] => tdd-training [name] => Test Driven Development (TDD) [english_name] => Test Driven Development (TDD) [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => agiletdds [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [agiletddc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agiletddc [hr_nid] => 282386 [title] => Agile and TDD with C [requirements] => [overview] =>

TDD, or Test Driven Development, is an approach to developing software where coding, testing, and design occur in tandem throughout the software development cycle. Agile is a broader process and management approach to software development that emphasizes incremental delivery, team collaboration, continual planning, and continual learning.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to write high-quality C applications using a TDD and Agile development approach. Participants will put their knowledge into practice by carrying out a series of hands-on exercises to create a well-designed and well-tested C application.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:


Format of the Course


[category_overview] => [outline] =>


TDD (2 Days)

Installing and Configuring Automated Unit Testing Frameworks

TDD Approaches

Implementing TDD

Agile (1 Day)


Implementing Agile

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037422 [source_title] => Agile and TDD with C [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agiletddc ) [amr5563] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => amr5563 [hr_nid] => 191917 [title] => Test Driven Development [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course introduces the principles of Test Driven Development.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Automated unit testing frameworks

TDD approaches

TDD challenges

Merits of good tests in TDD context

Coverage and counter-arguments

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037238 [source_title] => Test Driven Development [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => amr5563 ) [ios8xcode6devs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ios8xcode6devs [hr_nid] => 74886 [title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [requirements] => [overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS8. The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using Apple's new Swift programming language using the Xcode6 IDE. During the course a fully functional Tetris style block game will be developed from scratch using Swift. The course ends with developing a new application from scratch in Swift. The course assumes some programming experience.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad need to be registered as iOS developers with Apple and have registered their device for development. Apple charge $99 per year to register as an iOS developer.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects



Swift Classes

Working with Graphics

User Interaction

Case Study

Distributing Applications

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037142 [source_title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ios8xcode6devs ) [ios_swift3] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ios_swift3 [hr_nid] => 198965 [title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4 [requirements] =>

You must have at least one programming language experience in the past.

[overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 11. Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 9 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1:

  1. OOPS concepts
  2. What is software
  3. Organized v/s un-organized rooms
  4. Why Software
  5. Why iOS
  6. Apple History
  7. iOS History
  8. Apple’s USP
  9. What Apple is famous for
  10. UX v/s UI
  11. IDE?
  12. XCode
  13. XCode installation
  14. Why Objective C and now why Swift?
  15. Wow Factors in Swift 
  16. Swift Basics
  17. Variables
  18. Constants
  19. Hello World in Swift
  20. Label making via code
  21. ImageView
  22. ImageView animations
  23. NSTimer
  24. Responder Chain - touchBegan, touchMoved, etc methods
  25. UiApplication main delegate
  26. Application Life Cycle
  27. View Life Cycle
  28. Any
  29. Optionals
  30. internal, public, private
  31. init
  32. deinit
  33. Playground

Application to Do: Dots Game:

Day 2:

  1. UIView animations
  2. Extenstion
  3. UITable View
  4. Custom Cell in Table View
  5. Delegate and Data Source Methods in Delegates
  6. Header, Footer, Height, etc of Table View
  7. Brief of Collection View
  8. Deque in table view
  9. Mark
  10. Optionals
  11. didSet
  12. willSet
  13. Guard
  14. 2x and 3x concepts
  15. Navigate from one view to other
  16. UINavigation Controller
  17. Present a Controller
  18. StoryBoards
  19. Xibs
  20. Constraints
  21. Size classes
  22. Protocols - Required and optional
  23. Memory management

Application to Do: Notes app : Adding, deleting and updating note

Days 3:

  1. Gestures
  2. Closure
  3. Groups and folders
  4. Gesture recognizers
  5. XML Parsing
  6. NSJSon Serialization
  7. Converting Data to Json
  8. File Manager
  9. Tuples
  10. Enum
  11. For-in
  12. While
  13. Webservices
  14. URL Session
  15. URLRequest
  16. Why eco system of apple is best
  17. Printable - description
  18. Hashable
  19. UIAlertView
  20. UIActivityIndicatorView

Application to Do: Getting data from server from an open API app and make a table view and populate data and show its details also.

Days 4:

  1. Lazy loading of images
  2. Lazy properties
  3. NSOperationQueue
  4. GCD
  5. Directory concept and security of apps NSSearchDomain
  6. Tab Bar controller
  7. Localization
  8. Key Chain
  9. User Defaults
  10. PLists
  11. FileManager
  12. SQlite
  13. Extensiosn
  14. Social media integration: Make own sharable content
  15. UITextField
  16. UITextView
  17. UISegementControl
  18. UISlider
  19. UiSwtich
  20. UIProgessBar
  21. UIPageControl
  22. UIStepper
  23. UIScrollView
  24. UIPicker
  25. UIActionSheet
  26. UIWebView
  27. SearchBar
  28. New target : Apple Watch, Extensions, Keyboard, Today, etc
  29. NSNotifications in IOS
  30. Adding third party libraries
  31. Core Data
  32. Deployment and distribution
  33. Running app on real devices

Application to Do: Getting data from server from an open API app and make a table view and populate data and show its details also and show Search bar and search for something and Core

Days 5:

  1. Push Notification - Silent and Push
  2. Localization
  3. Overview of Objective C
  4. Properties
  5. Categories
  6. Functions syntax
  7. .h and .m file
  8. Property attributes readWrite and readOnly
  9. Property attributes strong, weak and copy
  10. Property attributes atomic and non-atomic
  11. Uploading app to app store

Application of your own idea

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037247 [source_title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ios_swift3 ) [swiftxcode] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => swiftxcode [hr_nid] => 200269 [title] => iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10 [requirements] =>

The course assumes some programming experience.

[overview] =>

Who should attend?

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 10. Xcode8, Swift3 and iOS 10 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 8 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects

Adaptive Layout


Swift Classes and Scenes

Working with Graphics

User Interaction

Multiple Screen Applications

Location Services

Device Access and Storage


Speech Framework


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037256 [source_title] => iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => swiftxcode ) [swift_4] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => swift_4 [hr_nid] => 278754 [title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course [requirements] =>

You must have at least one programming language experience in the past.

[overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 11. Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 9 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Apple hardware such as a MacBook Pro or a Mac Mini.

Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software - Xcode.

Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

Delegate must be able to understand all basics of Swift after this and course and should be able to make any kind of application in iOS and dig into more complex applications on iOS

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Basic Concepts of Programming

Why Apple and iOS 

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects

Swift Basics

Image Animation and image loading

Swift Classes and Scenes

Life Cycle and Responder Chain

Adaptive Layout

Notifications and Localization 

Overview of Objective C

Social Media Integration in iOS :

UI Components in iOS :

Some other basics components and others in iOS :

Threading in iOS :

User Interaction

Multiple Screen Applications

Location Services

Device Access and Storage

Speech Framework

Multipeer Framework


Upload App to App Store 


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037375 [source_title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => swift_4 ) [3587] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3587 [hr_nid] => 3587 [title] => Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile Techniques [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

This 2 day course is suitable for any IT professionals who are interested in using the Waterfall model and how people have traditionally tried to deal with its shortcomings - including, but not limited to, Agile approaches.

The aim of the 1st day is to give an overview of these approaches enabling you to decide what might suit them in your environment.

The 2nd day looks at project management techniques and good practices that have been identified from Agile, and which can be applied in a Waterfall or Agile context.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1 - Managing Software Projects in a Waterfall Context

1. Introduction to Waterfall

a. Historical Context
  1. Winston Royce
  2. Background in manufacturing processes
b. Waterfall stages
  1. Requirements gathering
  2. Design
  3. Implementation
  4. Verification
  5. Maintenance
c. Waterfall challenges
  1. Handling change
  2. Distance between business knowledge and implementation
  3. Storing risk to late in the lifecycle
  4. Prioritisation of scope
d. Summary of reactions to Waterfall model
  1. Embrace – Waterfall approaches, eg SSADM
  2. Cope – V-Model
  3. Adapt – Incremental
  4. Reject – Agile
  5. Enhance – Lean

2. V-Model coping strategies for Waterfall delivery

a. Early verification and validation
  1. Cost of finding late
  2. Reviews and inspections
  3. Static analysis
b. V-Model test stages
  1. Unit/Unit integration
  2. System
  3. System Integration
  4. Acceptance
c. V-Model benefits
  1. Increased end-user involvement in verification
  2. Early risk mitigation

3. Adapting Waterfall with Incremental approaches

a. Types of Incremental approaches
  1. Pre-planned 
  2. Parallel, RAD
  3. Evolutionary, RUP
b. Incremental delivery principles
  1. Product increments
  2. Proto-typing
  3. Timeboxing
c. Benefits of incremental delivery
  1. Increased user involvement in decision making
  2. Early return on investment
  3. Reacts to change 

4. Rejecting the Waterfall model in favour of Agile

a. Agile Essentials
  1. Agile Manifesto
  2. Agile Principles
b. Introduction to Scrum, the most popular Agile framework
  1. Iterative delivery
  2. Collaborative working
  3. Just in time documentation
  4. Adaptive planning
c. Benefits of Agile
  1. Increased user involvement throughout process
  2. Empowered development team
  3. Rapid return on investment
  4. Greater ability to react to change
  5. Reduce nugatory development

5. Enhancing Waterfall with Kanban delivery

a. Lean and Kanban 
  1. History of Lean delivery 
  2. History of Kanban
  3. Principle of reducing waste
b. Introduction to Kanban
  1. The Kanban board
  2. Managing work-in-progress
c. Benefits of Kanban
  1. Greater ability to react to change
  2. Rapid return on investment
  3. Reduce nugatory development

Day 2 - Agile Project Management Techniques

1. Empirical Process Control

a. Inspect
  1. Demonstration
  2. Retrospection
b. Adapt
  1. Adaptive planning
  2. Continuous improvement
c. Transparency
  1. Stakeholder involvement
  2. Contract negotiation
  3. Just in time documentation

2. Managing requirements

a. Backlogs
  1. Product
  2. Release
  3. Sprint
b. Backlog Items
  1. User Stories
  2. Defects
  3. Requirements specifications
c. Risk
  1. Adjusting Backlog for risk
  2. Risk burndown

3. Estimation and control

a. Timebox planning
  1. Release planning
  2. Iteration planning
  3. Daily communication
b. Prioritisation techniques
  1. MoSCow
  2. Value based
  3. Other techniques
c. Estimation techniques
  1. User story grooming
  2. Planning Poker

4. Delivery management

a. Iterative delivery
  1. Team velocity
  2. Rapid return on investment
b. Information radiators
  1. Scrum wall
  2. Burn-down chart

5. Team management

a. Associative leadership
  1. ScrumMaster as facilitator
  2. Role of the traditional project manager
b. End-user involvement
  1. The single decision maker - the Product Owner
  2. Communicating with stakeholders (Pigs and Chickens)
c. Empowered team
  1. Self-managing teams
  2. The role of the specialist within the team
  3. Managing split teams
[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037114 [source_title] => Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile Techniques [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3587 ) [agileba] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileba [hr_nid] => 191768 [title] => Agile Business Analysis [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course focuses on the business analyst role to be successful on Agile projects. Course participants will learn how to cooperate with the Team, Product Owner, Scrum Master as well as with the Customer to facilitate the development process. Participants will go through a mock project practising common scenarios.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Agile/Scrum Principles

Initiating a Scrum Project

Scrum Process

Roles Relations


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037238 [source_title] => Agile Business Analysis [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileba ) [agileess] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileess [hr_nid] => 2948 [title] => Agile Essentials [requirements] =>

Note: This course has a minimum requirement of 4 delegates

[overview] =>

The iSQI Agile Essentials course is an internationally recognised qualification, Aimed at anyone involved in agile Projects and wants to become familiar with working in an agile environment. This includes Project Managers, Quality Managers, Software Development Managers, Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, IT Directors and Management Consultants. The course is comprised of eight sections and takes participants through the lifecycle of an agile project from the release planning and writing user stories to the iteration review (showcase) and retrospective. The first day focuses on the key principles (55% of the day on theory, 45% exercises), the second is dominated by practical application (40% theory, 60% exercises).

Course Objectives

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1

Day 2

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037089 [source_title] => Agile Essentials [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileess ) [agilekanban] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilekanban [hr_nid] => 2765 [title] => Agile Project Management with Kanban [requirements] =>


Knowledge of basic phrases in project management, participation in projects with a team of several people.


Participation in the "Agile Project Management with Scrum" training course.

[overview] =>

Target group:

IT Director, Project Manager, Technical Team Leader, Analyst, Software Developer, Tester

Learning objective:

The purpose of this training is to acquire knowledge and practice of the workshops  aspects of Kanban and Agile foundations.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction to Agile

Command & Control vs. Agile


Team work

Kanban Board

Customer Engagement



[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037086 [source_title] => Agile Project Management with Kanban [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilekanban ) [agilekanbanlean] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilekanbanlean [hr_nid] => 114715 [title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course is created for people who need to combine Agile (notably SCRUM), with Lean and Kanban togather to manage their projects.

It combines the worlds of product design and software design.


[category_overview] => [outline] =>



Why Agile?

Product owner

The sprint

Scrum Master

Finishing a sprint


Command & Control vs. Agile


Team work

Kanban Board

Customer Engagement


Product Discovery Methods and Tools


[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037191 [source_title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilekanbanlean ) [agileprodmgnt] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileprodmgnt [hr_nid] => 448935 [title] => Agile Product Management - Growth Marketing [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Agile Product Management is a methodology used in products and services development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness to change throughout the product development lifecycle.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at marketing executives who wish to understand how to leverage Agile frameworks to optimize growth marketing strategies, create customer-centric products, and achieve scalable growth.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at marketing executives who wish to understand how to leverage Agile frameworks to optimize growth marketing strategies, create customer-centric products, and achieve scalable growth.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Understanding the Product Management Framework

Product Management Success Factors

Identifying and Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Forecasting Sales and Revenues

Developing Financials for the Business Case

Value Engineering Products to the Market Price Points

Developing Strategies for Pricing

Establishing Quality Criteria and Management

Understanding the Agile Delivery Triangle

Types of Project Lifecycle

Understanding the Agile Process and Planning Techniques

Using Burndown Charts for Delivery Control

Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037976 [source_title] => Agile Product Management - Growth Marketing [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileprodmgnt ) [agilescrum] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilescrum [hr_nid] => 278 [title] => Agile Project Management with Scrum [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Who should attend?

This 2 day course is suitable for any IT professionals who are interested in implementing Iterative Agile and Scrum methodologies to manage software development. This course is particularly suited to project managers, team leaders, developers and customers of software development wishing to have a stake holding in the development process.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Why Agile?

Product owner

The sprint

Scrum Master

Finishing a sprint

Is Agile and Scrum for you?

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037041 [source_title] => Agile Project Management with Scrum [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilescrum ) [agilesofttest] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilesofttest [hr_nid] => 389 [title] => Agile Software Testing [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

This course has been created for test managers, quality assurance staff, testers, software developers, project managers and management in order to explain how the Agile project management frameworks (notably SCRUM) deal with testing.

At the end of the course, each of the delegates will design and execute a test plan for a sample application (it can be an actual client application if available)

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Where the requirements come from?

Introduction to testing

Test or not to test

The process of Testing

Product owner and Tests

The sprint

Finishing a sprint

Is Agile and Scrum for you?

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037061 [source_title] => Agile Software Testing [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilesofttest ) [agilesofttestci] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilesofttestci [hr_nid] => 68640 [title] => Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration [requirements] => [overview] =>

Agile Software Testing is a series of testing practice that provides feesback to software quality issues in a timely and continuous manner following the principles of agile development.

Continuous Integration (CI) refers to all developers in a team merging their work several times a day.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>



Best Practices

Software Metrics

Software Testing



Tools and Environment CI

Agile and CI/QA


Introduction to testing

Test or not to test

The process of Testing

Product owner and Tests

[language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037136 [source_title] => Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilesofttestci ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => agiletddc [1] => amr5563 [2] => ios8xcode6devs [3] => ios_swift3 [4] => swiftxcode [5] => swift_4 [6] => 3587 [7] => agileba [8] => agileess [9] => agilekanban [10] => agilekanbanlean [11] => agileprodmgnt [12] => agilescrum [13] => agilesofttest [14] => agilesofttestci ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ec_4966] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4966 [title] => Guayaquil [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661446] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661446 [title] => Guayaquil - Mall del Sol [vfdc] => 175.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [classroom guaranteed] => 10062 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 10062 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [classroom guaranteed] => 12228 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 6114 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [classroom guaranteed] => 14391 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4797 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [classroom guaranteed] => 16556 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4139 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [classroom guaranteed] => 18720 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3744 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [classroom guaranteed] => 20886 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3481 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [classroom guaranteed] => 23051 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3293 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [classroom guaranteed] => 25216 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3152 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [classroom guaranteed] => 27378 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3042 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [classroom guaranteed] => 29550 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2955 ) ) ) ) ) [ec_4967] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4967 [title] => Quito [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661447] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661447 [title] => Quito - Av Eloy Alfaro [vfdc] => 200.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [classroom guaranteed] => 10187 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 10187 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [classroom guaranteed] => 12302 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 6151 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [classroom guaranteed] => 14418 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4806 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [classroom guaranteed] => 16532 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4133 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [classroom guaranteed] => 18645 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3729 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [classroom guaranteed] => 20760 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3460 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [classroom guaranteed] => 22876 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3268 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [classroom guaranteed] => 24992 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3124 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [classroom guaranteed] => 27108 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3012 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [classroom guaranteed] => 29220 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2922 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [adp] => 1865 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [adp] => 1865 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [adp] => 1865 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [adp] => 1865 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [adp] => 1865 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [adp] => 1865 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [adp] => 1865 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [adp] => 1865 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [adp] => 1865 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 5 [2] => 5 [3] => 5 [4] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [418523] => Array ( [title] => Agile Business Analysis [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Jeremie Mandap - Mizuho Bank Ltd - Manila Branch [body] => The DevOps tool [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 418523 ) [411955] => Array ( [title] => Agile and TDD with C [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Csongor Benedek - ACCENTURE [body] => The exercises whit which we were able to familiarise with the TDD [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 411955 ) [383411] => Array ( [title] => Test Driven Development [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Marc Dominic Bareng - Globe Telecom [body] => So far Deba was a very good trainer, expertise on the subject matter is very evident on how he answers and attend to our inquiries. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 383411 ) [347295] => Array ( [title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => piotr mokrzycki - GE Medical Systems Polska Sp. Z O.O. [body] => Marek has good contact with attenders catch when the people are not focused and work to motivate team. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 347295 ) [193005] => Array ( [title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Abdullah Alaradi - Thiqah Business Services [body] => He's an experienced trainer with a real life experience in the topic he was teaching. That led the course to cover the most important topics which interests any developer working in the field, and small details would be easily overseen if he was not working in this platform. Moreover, he was giving the course using the latest versions of iOS and Swift (10 \ 3) and that is a huge advantage to be adapting such new technology in short time. [mc] => He's an experienced trainer with a real life experience in the topic he was teaching. That led the course to cover the most important topics which interests any developer working in the field, and small details would be easily overseen if he was not working in this platform. Moreover, he was giving the course using the latest versions of is and Swift (10 \ 3) and that is a huge advantage to be adapting such new technology in short time. [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 193005 ) ) [7] => 5 [8] => 1 [9] => [10] => ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "devel_domain" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "devel_domain" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 99 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => devel_domain [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 34 [function] => islc_get_site_list [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => agiletdds [hr_nid] => 114618 [title] => Agile, TDD and Swift [requirements] => [overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who wish to write high quality iOS applications in Swift. This is a hands on course which involves writing a number of increasingly complex high quality applications. Delegates will need to have an Apple copmputer with the latest version of OS X and Xcode installed. Delegates wishing to run applications on real devices, rather than emulators, will need to be registered with Apple as iOS developers and have their devices registered.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>



TDD and Continuous Integration

Adaptive Layout

More Swift

Advanced Features


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037189 [source_title] => Agile, TDD and Swift [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 760 [alias] => agile-training [name] => Agile [english_name] => Agile [consulting_option] => available ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 973 [alias] => swift-training [name] => Swift [english_name] => Swift [consulting_option] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2018 [alias] => tdd-training [name] => Test Driven Development (TDD) [english_name] => Test Driven Development (TDD) [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => agiletdds [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [agiletddc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agiletddc [hr_nid] => 282386 [title] => Agile and TDD with C [requirements] => [overview] =>

TDD, or Test Driven Development, is an approach to developing software where coding, testing, and design occur in tandem throughout the software development cycle. Agile is a broader process and management approach to software development that emphasizes incremental delivery, team collaboration, continual planning, and continual learning.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to write high-quality C applications using a TDD and Agile development approach. Participants will put their knowledge into practice by carrying out a series of hands-on exercises to create a well-designed and well-tested C application.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:


Format of the Course


[category_overview] => [outline] =>


TDD (2 Days)

Installing and Configuring Automated Unit Testing Frameworks

TDD Approaches

Implementing TDD

Agile (1 Day)


Implementing Agile

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037422 [source_title] => Agile and TDD with C [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agiletddc ) [amr5563] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => amr5563 [hr_nid] => 191917 [title] => Test Driven Development [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course introduces the principles of Test Driven Development.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Automated unit testing frameworks

TDD approaches

TDD challenges

Merits of good tests in TDD context

Coverage and counter-arguments

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037238 [source_title] => Test Driven Development [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => amr5563 ) [ios8xcode6devs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ios8xcode6devs [hr_nid] => 74886 [title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [requirements] => [overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS8. The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using Apple's new Swift programming language using the Xcode6 IDE. During the course a fully functional Tetris style block game will be developed from scratch using Swift. The course ends with developing a new application from scratch in Swift. The course assumes some programming experience.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad need to be registered as iOS developers with Apple and have registered their device for development. Apple charge $99 per year to register as an iOS developer.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects



Swift Classes

Working with Graphics

User Interaction

Case Study

Distributing Applications

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037142 [source_title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ios8xcode6devs ) [ios_swift3] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ios_swift3 [hr_nid] => 198965 [title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4 [requirements] =>

You must have at least one programming language experience in the past.

[overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 11. Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 9 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1:

  1. OOPS concepts
  2. What is software
  3. Organized v/s un-organized rooms
  4. Why Software
  5. Why iOS
  6. Apple History
  7. iOS History
  8. Apple’s USP
  9. What Apple is famous for
  10. UX v/s UI
  11. IDE?
  12. XCode
  13. XCode installation
  14. Why Objective C and now why Swift?
  15. Wow Factors in Swift 
  16. Swift Basics
  17. Variables
  18. Constants
  19. Hello World in Swift
  20. Label making via code
  21. ImageView
  22. ImageView animations
  23. NSTimer
  24. Responder Chain - touchBegan, touchMoved, etc methods
  25. UiApplication main delegate
  26. Application Life Cycle
  27. View Life Cycle
  28. Any
  29. Optionals
  30. internal, public, private
  31. init
  32. deinit
  33. Playground

Application to Do: Dots Game:

Day 2:

  1. UIView animations
  2. Extenstion
  3. UITable View
  4. Custom Cell in Table View
  5. Delegate and Data Source Methods in Delegates
  6. Header, Footer, Height, etc of Table View
  7. Brief of Collection View
  8. Deque in table view
  9. Mark
  10. Optionals
  11. didSet
  12. willSet
  13. Guard
  14. 2x and 3x concepts
  15. Navigate from one view to other
  16. UINavigation Controller
  17. Present a Controller
  18. StoryBoards
  19. Xibs
  20. Constraints
  21. Size classes
  22. Protocols - Required and optional
  23. Memory management

Application to Do: Notes app : Adding, deleting and updating note

Days 3:

  1. Gestures
  2. Closure
  3. Groups and folders
  4. Gesture recognizers
  5. XML Parsing
  6. NSJSon Serialization
  7. Converting Data to Json
  8. File Manager
  9. Tuples
  10. Enum
  11. For-in
  12. While
  13. Webservices
  14. URL Session
  15. URLRequest
  16. Why eco system of apple is best
  17. Printable - description
  18. Hashable
  19. UIAlertView
  20. UIActivityIndicatorView

Application to Do: Getting data from server from an open API app and make a table view and populate data and show its details also.

Days 4:

  1. Lazy loading of images
  2. Lazy properties
  3. NSOperationQueue
  4. GCD
  5. Directory concept and security of apps NSSearchDomain
  6. Tab Bar controller
  7. Localization
  8. Key Chain
  9. User Defaults
  10. PLists
  11. FileManager
  12. SQlite
  13. Extensiosn
  14. Social media integration: Make own sharable content
  15. UITextField
  16. UITextView
  17. UISegementControl
  18. UISlider
  19. UiSwtich
  20. UIProgessBar
  21. UIPageControl
  22. UIStepper
  23. UIScrollView
  24. UIPicker
  25. UIActionSheet
  26. UIWebView
  27. SearchBar
  28. New target : Apple Watch, Extensions, Keyboard, Today, etc
  29. NSNotifications in IOS
  30. Adding third party libraries
  31. Core Data
  32. Deployment and distribution
  33. Running app on real devices

Application to Do: Getting data from server from an open API app and make a table view and populate data and show its details also and show Search bar and search for something and Core

Days 5:

  1. Push Notification - Silent and Push
  2. Localization
  3. Overview of Objective C
  4. Properties
  5. Categories
  6. Functions syntax
  7. .h and .m file
  8. Property attributes readWrite and readOnly
  9. Property attributes strong, weak and copy
  10. Property attributes atomic and non-atomic
  11. Uploading app to app store

Application of your own idea

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037247 [source_title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ios_swift3 ) [swiftxcode] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => swiftxcode [hr_nid] => 200269 [title] => iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10 [requirements] =>

The course assumes some programming experience.

[overview] =>

Who should attend?

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 10. Xcode8, Swift3 and iOS 10 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 8 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects

Adaptive Layout


Swift Classes and Scenes

Working with Graphics

User Interaction

Multiple Screen Applications

Location Services

Device Access and Storage


Speech Framework


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037256 [source_title] => iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => swiftxcode ) [swift_4] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => swift_4 [hr_nid] => 278754 [title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course [requirements] =>

You must have at least one programming language experience in the past.

[overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 11. Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 9 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Apple hardware such as a MacBook Pro or a Mac Mini.

Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software - Xcode.

Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

Delegate must be able to understand all basics of Swift after this and course and should be able to make any kind of application in iOS and dig into more complex applications on iOS

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Basic Concepts of Programming

Why Apple and iOS 

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects

Swift Basics

Image Animation and image loading

Swift Classes and Scenes

Life Cycle and Responder Chain

Adaptive Layout

Notifications and Localization 

Overview of Objective C

Social Media Integration in iOS :

UI Components in iOS :

Some other basics components and others in iOS :

Threading in iOS :

User Interaction

Multiple Screen Applications

Location Services

Device Access and Storage

Speech Framework

Multipeer Framework


Upload App to App Store 


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037375 [source_title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => swift_4 ) [3587] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3587 [hr_nid] => 3587 [title] => Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile Techniques [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

This 2 day course is suitable for any IT professionals who are interested in using the Waterfall model and how people have traditionally tried to deal with its shortcomings - including, but not limited to, Agile approaches.

The aim of the 1st day is to give an overview of these approaches enabling you to decide what might suit them in your environment.

The 2nd day looks at project management techniques and good practices that have been identified from Agile, and which can be applied in a Waterfall or Agile context.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1 - Managing Software Projects in a Waterfall Context

1. Introduction to Waterfall

a. Historical Context
  1. Winston Royce
  2. Background in manufacturing processes
b. Waterfall stages
  1. Requirements gathering
  2. Design
  3. Implementation
  4. Verification
  5. Maintenance
c. Waterfall challenges
  1. Handling change
  2. Distance between business knowledge and implementation
  3. Storing risk to late in the lifecycle
  4. Prioritisation of scope
d. Summary of reactions to Waterfall model
  1. Embrace – Waterfall approaches, eg SSADM
  2. Cope – V-Model
  3. Adapt – Incremental
  4. Reject – Agile
  5. Enhance – Lean

2. V-Model coping strategies for Waterfall delivery

a. Early verification and validation
  1. Cost of finding late
  2. Reviews and inspections
  3. Static analysis
b. V-Model test stages
  1. Unit/Unit integration
  2. System
  3. System Integration
  4. Acceptance
c. V-Model benefits
  1. Increased end-user involvement in verification
  2. Early risk mitigation

3. Adapting Waterfall with Incremental approaches

a. Types of Incremental approaches
  1. Pre-planned 
  2. Parallel, RAD
  3. Evolutionary, RUP
b. Incremental delivery principles
  1. Product increments
  2. Proto-typing
  3. Timeboxing
c. Benefits of incremental delivery
  1. Increased user involvement in decision making
  2. Early return on investment
  3. Reacts to change 

4. Rejecting the Waterfall model in favour of Agile

a. Agile Essentials
  1. Agile Manifesto
  2. Agile Principles
b. Introduction to Scrum, the most popular Agile framework
  1. Iterative delivery
  2. Collaborative working
  3. Just in time documentation
  4. Adaptive planning
c. Benefits of Agile
  1. Increased user involvement throughout process
  2. Empowered development team
  3. Rapid return on investment
  4. Greater ability to react to change
  5. Reduce nugatory development

5. Enhancing Waterfall with Kanban delivery

a. Lean and Kanban 
  1. History of Lean delivery 
  2. History of Kanban
  3. Principle of reducing waste
b. Introduction to Kanban
  1. The Kanban board
  2. Managing work-in-progress
c. Benefits of Kanban
  1. Greater ability to react to change
  2. Rapid return on investment
  3. Reduce nugatory development

Day 2 - Agile Project Management Techniques

1. Empirical Process Control

a. Inspect
  1. Demonstration
  2. Retrospection
b. Adapt
  1. Adaptive planning
  2. Continuous improvement
c. Transparency
  1. Stakeholder involvement
  2. Contract negotiation
  3. Just in time documentation

2. Managing requirements

a. Backlogs
  1. Product
  2. Release
  3. Sprint
b. Backlog Items
  1. User Stories
  2. Defects
  3. Requirements specifications
c. Risk
  1. Adjusting Backlog for risk
  2. Risk burndown

3. Estimation and control

a. Timebox planning
  1. Release planning
  2. Iteration planning
  3. Daily communication
b. Prioritisation techniques
  1. MoSCow
  2. Value based
  3. Other techniques
c. Estimation techniques
  1. User story grooming
  2. Planning Poker

4. Delivery management

a. Iterative delivery
  1. Team velocity
  2. Rapid return on investment
b. Information radiators
  1. Scrum wall
  2. Burn-down chart

5. Team management

a. Associative leadership
  1. ScrumMaster as facilitator
  2. Role of the traditional project manager
b. End-user involvement
  1. The single decision maker - the Product Owner
  2. Communicating with stakeholders (Pigs and Chickens)
c. Empowered team
  1. Self-managing teams
  2. The role of the specialist within the team
  3. Managing split teams
[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037114 [source_title] => Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile Techniques [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3587 ) [agileba] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileba [hr_nid] => 191768 [title] => Agile Business Analysis [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course focuses on the business analyst role to be successful on Agile projects. Course participants will learn how to cooperate with the Team, Product Owner, Scrum Master as well as with the Customer to facilitate the development process. Participants will go through a mock project practising common scenarios.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Agile/Scrum Principles

Initiating a Scrum Project

Scrum Process

Roles Relations


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037238 [source_title] => Agile Business Analysis [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileba ) [agileess] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileess [hr_nid] => 2948 [title] => Agile Essentials [requirements] =>

Note: This course has a minimum requirement of 4 delegates

[overview] =>

The iSQI Agile Essentials course is an internationally recognised qualification, Aimed at anyone involved in agile Projects and wants to become familiar with working in an agile environment. This includes Project Managers, Quality Managers, Software Development Managers, Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, IT Directors and Management Consultants. The course is comprised of eight sections and takes participants through the lifecycle of an agile project from the release planning and writing user stories to the iteration review (showcase) and retrospective. The first day focuses on the key principles (55% of the day on theory, 45% exercises), the second is dominated by practical application (40% theory, 60% exercises).

Course Objectives

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1

Day 2

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037089 [source_title] => Agile Essentials [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileess ) [agilekanban] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilekanban [hr_nid] => 2765 [title] => Agile Project Management with Kanban [requirements] =>


Knowledge of basic phrases in project management, participation in projects with a team of several people.


Participation in the "Agile Project Management with Scrum" training course.

[overview] =>

Target group:

IT Director, Project Manager, Technical Team Leader, Analyst, Software Developer, Tester

Learning objective:

The purpose of this training is to acquire knowledge and practice of the workshops  aspects of Kanban and Agile foundations.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction to Agile

Command & Control vs. Agile


Team work

Kanban Board

Customer Engagement



[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037086 [source_title] => Agile Project Management with Kanban [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilekanban ) [agilekanbanlean] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilekanbanlean [hr_nid] => 114715 [title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course is created for people who need to combine Agile (notably SCRUM), with Lean and Kanban togather to manage their projects.

It combines the worlds of product design and software design.


[category_overview] => [outline] =>



Why Agile?

Product owner

The sprint

Scrum Master

Finishing a sprint


Command & Control vs. Agile


Team work

Kanban Board

Customer Engagement


Product Discovery Methods and Tools


[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037191 [source_title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilekanbanlean ) [agileprodmgnt] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileprodmgnt [hr_nid] => 448935 [title] => Agile Product Management - Growth Marketing [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Agile Product Management is a methodology used in products and services development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness to change throughout the product development lifecycle.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at marketing executives who wish to understand how to leverage Agile frameworks to optimize growth marketing strategies, create customer-centric products, and achieve scalable growth.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at marketing executives who wish to understand how to leverage Agile frameworks to optimize growth marketing strategies, create customer-centric products, and achieve scalable growth.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Understanding the Product Management Framework

Product Management Success Factors

Identifying and Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Forecasting Sales and Revenues

Developing Financials for the Business Case

Value Engineering Products to the Market Price Points

Developing Strategies for Pricing

Establishing Quality Criteria and Management

Understanding the Agile Delivery Triangle

Types of Project Lifecycle

Understanding the Agile Process and Planning Techniques

Using Burndown Charts for Delivery Control

Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037976 [source_title] => Agile Product Management - Growth Marketing [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileprodmgnt ) [agilescrum] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilescrum [hr_nid] => 278 [title] => Agile Project Management with Scrum [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Who should attend?

This 2 day course is suitable for any IT professionals who are interested in implementing Iterative Agile and Scrum methodologies to manage software development. This course is particularly suited to project managers, team leaders, developers and customers of software development wishing to have a stake holding in the development process.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Why Agile?

Product owner

The sprint

Scrum Master

Finishing a sprint

Is Agile and Scrum for you?

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037041 [source_title] => Agile Project Management with Scrum [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilescrum ) [agilesofttest] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilesofttest [hr_nid] => 389 [title] => Agile Software Testing [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

This course has been created for test managers, quality assurance staff, testers, software developers, project managers and management in order to explain how the Agile project management frameworks (notably SCRUM) deal with testing.

At the end of the course, each of the delegates will design and execute a test plan for a sample application (it can be an actual client application if available)

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Where the requirements come from?

Introduction to testing

Test or not to test

The process of Testing

Product owner and Tests

The sprint

Finishing a sprint

Is Agile and Scrum for you?

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037061 [source_title] => Agile Software Testing [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilesofttest ) [agilesofttestci] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilesofttestci [hr_nid] => 68640 [title] => Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration [requirements] => [overview] =>

Agile Software Testing is a series of testing practice that provides feesback to software quality issues in a timely and continuous manner following the principles of agile development.

Continuous Integration (CI) refers to all developers in a team merging their work several times a day.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>



Best Practices

Software Metrics

Software Testing



Tools and Environment CI

Agile and CI/QA


Introduction to testing

Test or not to test

The process of Testing

Product owner and Tests

[language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037136 [source_title] => Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilesofttestci ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => agiletddc [1] => amr5563 [2] => ios8xcode6devs [3] => ios_swift3 [4] => swiftxcode [5] => swift_4 [6] => 3587 [7] => agileba [8] => agileess [9] => agilekanban [10] => agilekanbanlean [11] => agileprodmgnt [12] => agilescrum [13] => agilesofttest [14] => agilesofttestci ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ec_4966] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4966 [title] => Guayaquil [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661446] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661446 [title] => Guayaquil - Mall del Sol [vfdc] => 175.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [classroom guaranteed] => 10062 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 10062 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [classroom guaranteed] => 12228 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 6114 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [classroom guaranteed] => 14391 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4797 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [classroom guaranteed] => 16556 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4139 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [classroom guaranteed] => 18720 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3744 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [classroom guaranteed] => 20886 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3481 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [classroom guaranteed] => 23051 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3293 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [classroom guaranteed] => 25216 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3152 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [classroom guaranteed] => 27378 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3042 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [classroom guaranteed] => 29550 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2955 ) ) ) ) ) [ec_4967] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4967 [title] => Quito [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661447] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661447 [title] => Quito - Av Eloy Alfaro [vfdc] => 200.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [classroom guaranteed] => 10187 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 10187 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [classroom guaranteed] => 12302 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 6151 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [classroom guaranteed] => 14418 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4806 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [classroom guaranteed] => 16532 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4133 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [classroom guaranteed] => 18645 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3729 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [classroom guaranteed] => 20760 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3460 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [classroom guaranteed] => 22876 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3268 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [classroom guaranteed] => 24992 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3124 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [classroom guaranteed] => 27108 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3012 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [classroom guaranteed] => 29220 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2922 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [adp] => 1865 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [adp] => 1865 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [adp] => 1865 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [adp] => 1865 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [adp] => 1865 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [adp] => 1865 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [adp] => 1865 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [adp] => 1865 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [adp] => 1865 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 5 [2] => 5 [3] => 5 [4] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [418523] => Array ( [title] => Agile Business Analysis [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Jeremie Mandap - Mizuho Bank Ltd - Manila Branch [body] => The DevOps tool [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 418523 ) [411955] => Array ( [title] => Agile and TDD with C [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Csongor Benedek - ACCENTURE [body] => The exercises whit which we were able to familiarise with the TDD [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 411955 ) [383411] => Array ( [title] => Test Driven Development [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Marc Dominic Bareng - Globe Telecom [body] => So far Deba was a very good trainer, expertise on the subject matter is very evident on how he answers and attend to our inquiries. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 383411 ) [347295] => Array ( [title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => piotr mokrzycki - GE Medical Systems Polska Sp. Z O.O. [body] => Marek has good contact with attenders catch when the people are not focused and work to motivate team. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 347295 ) [193005] => Array ( [title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Abdullah Alaradi - Thiqah Business Services [body] => He's an experienced trainer with a real life experience in the topic he was teaching. That led the course to cover the most important topics which interests any developer working in the field, and small details would be easily overseen if he was not working in this platform. Moreover, he was giving the course using the latest versions of iOS and Swift (10 \ 3) and that is a huge advantage to be adapting such new technology in short time. [mc] => He's an experienced trainer with a real life experience in the topic he was teaching. That led the course to cover the most important topics which interests any developer working in the field, and small details would be easily overseen if he was not working in this platform. Moreover, he was giving the course using the latest versions of is and Swift (10 \ 3) and that is a huge advantage to be adapting such new technology in short time. [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 193005 ) ) [7] => 5 [8] => 1 [9] => [10] => ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 131 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => nobleprog_site_production_url ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 44 [function] => islc_get_current_site [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => agiletdds [hr_nid] => 114618 [title] => Agile, TDD and Swift [requirements] => [overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who wish to write high quality iOS applications in Swift. This is a hands on course which involves writing a number of increasingly complex high quality applications. Delegates will need to have an Apple copmputer with the latest version of OS X and Xcode installed. Delegates wishing to run applications on real devices, rather than emulators, will need to be registered with Apple as iOS developers and have their devices registered.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>



TDD and Continuous Integration

Adaptive Layout

More Swift

Advanced Features


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037189 [source_title] => Agile, TDD and Swift [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 760 [alias] => agile-training [name] => Agile [english_name] => Agile [consulting_option] => available ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 973 [alias] => swift-training [name] => Swift [english_name] => Swift [consulting_option] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2018 [alias] => tdd-training [name] => Test Driven Development (TDD) [english_name] => Test Driven Development (TDD) [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => agiletdds [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [agiletddc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agiletddc [hr_nid] => 282386 [title] => Agile and TDD with C [requirements] => [overview] =>

TDD, or Test Driven Development, is an approach to developing software where coding, testing, and design occur in tandem throughout the software development cycle. Agile is a broader process and management approach to software development that emphasizes incremental delivery, team collaboration, continual planning, and continual learning.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to write high-quality C applications using a TDD and Agile development approach. Participants will put their knowledge into practice by carrying out a series of hands-on exercises to create a well-designed and well-tested C application.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:


Format of the Course


[category_overview] => [outline] =>


TDD (2 Days)

Installing and Configuring Automated Unit Testing Frameworks

TDD Approaches

Implementing TDD

Agile (1 Day)


Implementing Agile

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037422 [source_title] => Agile and TDD with C [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agiletddc ) [amr5563] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => amr5563 [hr_nid] => 191917 [title] => Test Driven Development [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course introduces the principles of Test Driven Development.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Automated unit testing frameworks

TDD approaches

TDD challenges

Merits of good tests in TDD context

Coverage and counter-arguments

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037238 [source_title] => Test Driven Development [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => amr5563 ) [ios8xcode6devs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ios8xcode6devs [hr_nid] => 74886 [title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [requirements] => [overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS8. The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using Apple's new Swift programming language using the Xcode6 IDE. During the course a fully functional Tetris style block game will be developed from scratch using Swift. The course ends with developing a new application from scratch in Swift. The course assumes some programming experience.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad need to be registered as iOS developers with Apple and have registered their device for development. Apple charge $99 per year to register as an iOS developer.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects



Swift Classes

Working with Graphics

User Interaction

Case Study

Distributing Applications

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037142 [source_title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ios8xcode6devs ) [ios_swift3] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ios_swift3 [hr_nid] => 198965 [title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4 [requirements] =>

You must have at least one programming language experience in the past.

[overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 11. Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 9 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1:

  1. OOPS concepts
  2. What is software
  3. Organized v/s un-organized rooms
  4. Why Software
  5. Why iOS
  6. Apple History
  7. iOS History
  8. Apple’s USP
  9. What Apple is famous for
  10. UX v/s UI
  11. IDE?
  12. XCode
  13. XCode installation
  14. Why Objective C and now why Swift?
  15. Wow Factors in Swift 
  16. Swift Basics
  17. Variables
  18. Constants
  19. Hello World in Swift
  20. Label making via code
  21. ImageView
  22. ImageView animations
  23. NSTimer
  24. Responder Chain - touchBegan, touchMoved, etc methods
  25. UiApplication main delegate
  26. Application Life Cycle
  27. View Life Cycle
  28. Any
  29. Optionals
  30. internal, public, private
  31. init
  32. deinit
  33. Playground

Application to Do: Dots Game:

Day 2:

  1. UIView animations
  2. Extenstion
  3. UITable View
  4. Custom Cell in Table View
  5. Delegate and Data Source Methods in Delegates
  6. Header, Footer, Height, etc of Table View
  7. Brief of Collection View
  8. Deque in table view
  9. Mark
  10. Optionals
  11. didSet
  12. willSet
  13. Guard
  14. 2x and 3x concepts
  15. Navigate from one view to other
  16. UINavigation Controller
  17. Present a Controller
  18. StoryBoards
  19. Xibs
  20. Constraints
  21. Size classes
  22. Protocols - Required and optional
  23. Memory management

Application to Do: Notes app : Adding, deleting and updating note

Days 3:

  1. Gestures
  2. Closure
  3. Groups and folders
  4. Gesture recognizers
  5. XML Parsing
  6. NSJSon Serialization
  7. Converting Data to Json
  8. File Manager
  9. Tuples
  10. Enum
  11. For-in
  12. While
  13. Webservices
  14. URL Session
  15. URLRequest
  16. Why eco system of apple is best
  17. Printable - description
  18. Hashable
  19. UIAlertView
  20. UIActivityIndicatorView

Application to Do: Getting data from server from an open API app and make a table view and populate data and show its details also.

Days 4:

  1. Lazy loading of images
  2. Lazy properties
  3. NSOperationQueue
  4. GCD
  5. Directory concept and security of apps NSSearchDomain
  6. Tab Bar controller
  7. Localization
  8. Key Chain
  9. User Defaults
  10. PLists
  11. FileManager
  12. SQlite
  13. Extensiosn
  14. Social media integration: Make own sharable content
  15. UITextField
  16. UITextView
  17. UISegementControl
  18. UISlider
  19. UiSwtich
  20. UIProgessBar
  21. UIPageControl
  22. UIStepper
  23. UIScrollView
  24. UIPicker
  25. UIActionSheet
  26. UIWebView
  27. SearchBar
  28. New target : Apple Watch, Extensions, Keyboard, Today, etc
  29. NSNotifications in IOS
  30. Adding third party libraries
  31. Core Data
  32. Deployment and distribution
  33. Running app on real devices

Application to Do: Getting data from server from an open API app and make a table view and populate data and show its details also and show Search bar and search for something and Core

Days 5:

  1. Push Notification - Silent and Push
  2. Localization
  3. Overview of Objective C
  4. Properties
  5. Categories
  6. Functions syntax
  7. .h and .m file
  8. Property attributes readWrite and readOnly
  9. Property attributes strong, weak and copy
  10. Property attributes atomic and non-atomic
  11. Uploading app to app store

Application of your own idea

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037247 [source_title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development) in Swift for iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Swift 4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ios_swift3 ) [swiftxcode] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => swiftxcode [hr_nid] => 200269 [title] => iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10 [requirements] =>

The course assumes some programming experience.

[overview] =>

Who should attend?

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 10. Xcode8, Swift3 and iOS 10 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 8 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Intel based Apple hardware such as a MacBook or a Mac Mini. Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software. Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects

Adaptive Layout


Swift Classes and Scenes

Working with Graphics

User Interaction

Multiple Screen Applications

Location Services

Device Access and Storage


Speech Framework


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037256 [source_title] => iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => swiftxcode ) [swift_4] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => swift_4 [hr_nid] => 278754 [title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course [requirements] =>

You must have at least one programming language experience in the past.

[overview] =>

This 5 day course is for developers who want to learn how to develop applications for iPhone and iPad running iOS 11. Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11 introduced significant changes in the way applications are written.

The course is hands on and shows how to develop applications from scratch using the Swift programming language and the Xcode 9 IDE.

During the course a fully functional application will be developed from scratch using Swift.

This course can only be run on Apple hardware such as a MacBook Pro or a Mac Mini.

Delegates need to have registered with Apple and have an Apple ID which is required to download software - Xcode.

Delegates wishing to run the applications developed during the course on an iPhone or iPad using a USB cable will need to register their device with Xcode.

Delegate must be able to understand all basics of Swift after this and course and should be able to make any kind of application in iOS and dig into more complex applications on iOS

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Basic Concepts of Programming

Why Apple and iOS 

Development environment

Xcode iOS Projects

Swift Basics

Image Animation and image loading

Swift Classes and Scenes

Life Cycle and Responder Chain

Adaptive Layout

Notifications and Localization 

Overview of Objective C

Social Media Integration in iOS :

UI Components in iOS :

Some other basics components and others in iOS :

Threading in iOS :

User Interaction

Multiple Screen Applications

Location Services

Device Access and Storage

Speech Framework

Multipeer Framework


Upload App to App Store 


[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037375 [source_title] => iOS (iPhone and iPad Development - Apple) in Swift for iOS 12 and Xcode 10 - Swift 4.1 Training Course [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => swift_4 ) [3587] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3587 [hr_nid] => 3587 [title] => Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile Techniques [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

This 2 day course is suitable for any IT professionals who are interested in using the Waterfall model and how people have traditionally tried to deal with its shortcomings - including, but not limited to, Agile approaches.

The aim of the 1st day is to give an overview of these approaches enabling you to decide what might suit them in your environment.

The 2nd day looks at project management techniques and good practices that have been identified from Agile, and which can be applied in a Waterfall or Agile context.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1 - Managing Software Projects in a Waterfall Context

1. Introduction to Waterfall

a. Historical Context
  1. Winston Royce
  2. Background in manufacturing processes
b. Waterfall stages
  1. Requirements gathering
  2. Design
  3. Implementation
  4. Verification
  5. Maintenance
c. Waterfall challenges
  1. Handling change
  2. Distance between business knowledge and implementation
  3. Storing risk to late in the lifecycle
  4. Prioritisation of scope
d. Summary of reactions to Waterfall model
  1. Embrace – Waterfall approaches, eg SSADM
  2. Cope – V-Model
  3. Adapt – Incremental
  4. Reject – Agile
  5. Enhance – Lean

2. V-Model coping strategies for Waterfall delivery

a. Early verification and validation
  1. Cost of finding late
  2. Reviews and inspections
  3. Static analysis
b. V-Model test stages
  1. Unit/Unit integration
  2. System
  3. System Integration
  4. Acceptance
c. V-Model benefits
  1. Increased end-user involvement in verification
  2. Early risk mitigation

3. Adapting Waterfall with Incremental approaches

a. Types of Incremental approaches
  1. Pre-planned 
  2. Parallel, RAD
  3. Evolutionary, RUP
b. Incremental delivery principles
  1. Product increments
  2. Proto-typing
  3. Timeboxing
c. Benefits of incremental delivery
  1. Increased user involvement in decision making
  2. Early return on investment
  3. Reacts to change 

4. Rejecting the Waterfall model in favour of Agile

a. Agile Essentials
  1. Agile Manifesto
  2. Agile Principles
b. Introduction to Scrum, the most popular Agile framework
  1. Iterative delivery
  2. Collaborative working
  3. Just in time documentation
  4. Adaptive planning
c. Benefits of Agile
  1. Increased user involvement throughout process
  2. Empowered development team
  3. Rapid return on investment
  4. Greater ability to react to change
  5. Reduce nugatory development

5. Enhancing Waterfall with Kanban delivery

a. Lean and Kanban 
  1. History of Lean delivery 
  2. History of Kanban
  3. Principle of reducing waste
b. Introduction to Kanban
  1. The Kanban board
  2. Managing work-in-progress
c. Benefits of Kanban
  1. Greater ability to react to change
  2. Rapid return on investment
  3. Reduce nugatory development

Day 2 - Agile Project Management Techniques

1. Empirical Process Control

a. Inspect
  1. Demonstration
  2. Retrospection
b. Adapt
  1. Adaptive planning
  2. Continuous improvement
c. Transparency
  1. Stakeholder involvement
  2. Contract negotiation
  3. Just in time documentation

2. Managing requirements

a. Backlogs
  1. Product
  2. Release
  3. Sprint
b. Backlog Items
  1. User Stories
  2. Defects
  3. Requirements specifications
c. Risk
  1. Adjusting Backlog for risk
  2. Risk burndown

3. Estimation and control

a. Timebox planning
  1. Release planning
  2. Iteration planning
  3. Daily communication
b. Prioritisation techniques
  1. MoSCow
  2. Value based
  3. Other techniques
c. Estimation techniques
  1. User story grooming
  2. Planning Poker

4. Delivery management

a. Iterative delivery
  1. Team velocity
  2. Rapid return on investment
b. Information radiators
  1. Scrum wall
  2. Burn-down chart

5. Team management

a. Associative leadership
  1. ScrumMaster as facilitator
  2. Role of the traditional project manager
b. End-user involvement
  1. The single decision maker - the Product Owner
  2. Communicating with stakeholders (Pigs and Chickens)
c. Empowered team
  1. Self-managing teams
  2. The role of the specialist within the team
  3. Managing split teams
[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037114 [source_title] => Managing Projects using Waterfall and Agile Techniques [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3587 ) [agileba] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileba [hr_nid] => 191768 [title] => Agile Business Analysis [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course focuses on the business analyst role to be successful on Agile projects. Course participants will learn how to cooperate with the Team, Product Owner, Scrum Master as well as with the Customer to facilitate the development process. Participants will go through a mock project practising common scenarios.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Agile/Scrum Principles

Initiating a Scrum Project

Scrum Process

Roles Relations


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037238 [source_title] => Agile Business Analysis [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileba ) [agileess] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileess [hr_nid] => 2948 [title] => Agile Essentials [requirements] =>

Note: This course has a minimum requirement of 4 delegates

[overview] =>

The iSQI Agile Essentials course is an internationally recognised qualification, Aimed at anyone involved in agile Projects and wants to become familiar with working in an agile environment. This includes Project Managers, Quality Managers, Software Development Managers, Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, IT Directors and Management Consultants. The course is comprised of eight sections and takes participants through the lifecycle of an agile project from the release planning and writing user stories to the iteration review (showcase) and retrospective. The first day focuses on the key principles (55% of the day on theory, 45% exercises), the second is dominated by practical application (40% theory, 60% exercises).

Course Objectives

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1

Day 2

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037089 [source_title] => Agile Essentials [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileess ) [agilekanban] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilekanban [hr_nid] => 2765 [title] => Agile Project Management with Kanban [requirements] =>


Knowledge of basic phrases in project management, participation in projects with a team of several people.


Participation in the "Agile Project Management with Scrum" training course.

[overview] =>

Target group:

IT Director, Project Manager, Technical Team Leader, Analyst, Software Developer, Tester

Learning objective:

The purpose of this training is to acquire knowledge and practice of the workshops  aspects of Kanban and Agile foundations.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction to Agile

Command & Control vs. Agile


Team work

Kanban Board

Customer Engagement



[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037086 [source_title] => Agile Project Management with Kanban [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilekanban ) [agilekanbanlean] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilekanbanlean [hr_nid] => 114715 [title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course is created for people who need to combine Agile (notably SCRUM), with Lean and Kanban togather to manage their projects.

It combines the worlds of product design and software design.


[category_overview] => [outline] =>



Why Agile?

Product owner

The sprint

Scrum Master

Finishing a sprint


Command & Control vs. Agile


Team work

Kanban Board

Customer Engagement


Product Discovery Methods and Tools


[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037191 [source_title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilekanbanlean ) [agileprodmgnt] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agileprodmgnt [hr_nid] => 448935 [title] => Agile Product Management - Growth Marketing [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Agile Product Management is a methodology used in products and services development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness to change throughout the product development lifecycle.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at marketing executives who wish to understand how to leverage Agile frameworks to optimize growth marketing strategies, create customer-centric products, and achieve scalable growth.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at marketing executives who wish to understand how to leverage Agile frameworks to optimize growth marketing strategies, create customer-centric products, and achieve scalable growth.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Understanding the Product Management Framework

Product Management Success Factors

Identifying and Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Forecasting Sales and Revenues

Developing Financials for the Business Case

Value Engineering Products to the Market Price Points

Developing Strategies for Pricing

Establishing Quality Criteria and Management

Understanding the Agile Delivery Triangle

Types of Project Lifecycle

Understanding the Agile Process and Planning Techniques

Using Burndown Charts for Delivery Control

Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037976 [source_title] => Agile Product Management - Growth Marketing [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agileprodmgnt ) [agilescrum] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilescrum [hr_nid] => 278 [title] => Agile Project Management with Scrum [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Who should attend?

This 2 day course is suitable for any IT professionals who are interested in implementing Iterative Agile and Scrum methodologies to manage software development. This course is particularly suited to project managers, team leaders, developers and customers of software development wishing to have a stake holding in the development process.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Why Agile?

Product owner

The sprint

Scrum Master

Finishing a sprint

Is Agile and Scrum for you?

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037041 [source_title] => Agile Project Management with Scrum [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilescrum ) [agilesofttest] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilesofttest [hr_nid] => 389 [title] => Agile Software Testing [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

This course has been created for test managers, quality assurance staff, testers, software developers, project managers and management in order to explain how the Agile project management frameworks (notably SCRUM) deal with testing.

At the end of the course, each of the delegates will design and execute a test plan for a sample application (it can be an actual client application if available)

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Where the requirements come from?

Introduction to testing

Test or not to test

The process of Testing

Product owner and Tests

The sprint

Finishing a sprint

Is Agile and Scrum for you?

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037061 [source_title] => Agile Software Testing [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilesofttest ) [agilesofttestci] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => agilesofttestci [hr_nid] => 68640 [title] => Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration [requirements] => [overview] =>

Agile Software Testing is a series of testing practice that provides feesback to software quality issues in a timely and continuous manner following the principles of agile development.

Continuous Integration (CI) refers to all developers in a team merging their work several times a day.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>



Best Practices

Software Metrics

Software Testing



Tools and Environment CI

Agile and CI/QA


Introduction to testing

Test or not to test

The process of Testing

Product owner and Tests

[language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037136 [source_title] => Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => agilesofttestci ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => agiletddc [1] => amr5563 [2] => ios8xcode6devs [3] => ios_swift3 [4] => swiftxcode [5] => swift_4 [6] => 3587 [7] => agileba [8] => agileess [9] => agilekanban [10] => agilekanbanlean [11] => agileprodmgnt [12] => agilescrum [13] => agilesofttest [14] => agilesofttestci ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ec_4966] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4966 [title] => Guayaquil [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661446] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661446 [title] => Guayaquil - Mall del Sol [vfdc] => 175.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [classroom guaranteed] => 10062 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 10062 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [classroom guaranteed] => 12228 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 6114 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [classroom guaranteed] => 14391 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4797 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [classroom guaranteed] => 16556 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4139 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [classroom guaranteed] => 18720 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3744 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [classroom guaranteed] => 20886 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3481 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [classroom guaranteed] => 23051 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3293 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [classroom guaranteed] => 25216 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3152 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [classroom guaranteed] => 27378 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3042 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [classroom guaranteed] => 29550 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2955 ) ) ) ) ) [ec_4967] => Array ( [tid] => ec_4967 [title] => Quito [sales_area] => ec_ecuador [venues] => Array ( [ec_15661447] => Array ( [vid] => ec_15661447 [title] => Quito - Av Eloy Alfaro [vfdc] => 200.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [classroom guaranteed] => 10187 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 10187 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [classroom guaranteed] => 12302 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 6151 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [classroom guaranteed] => 14418 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4806 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [classroom guaranteed] => 16532 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 4133 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [classroom guaranteed] => 18645 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3729 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [classroom guaranteed] => 20760 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3460 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [classroom guaranteed] => 22876 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3268 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [classroom guaranteed] => 24992 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3124 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [classroom guaranteed] => 27108 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3012 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [classroom guaranteed] => 29220 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 1865 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2922 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9187 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 9187 [adp] => 1865 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 11052 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 5526 [adp] => 1865 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 12918 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 4306 [adp] => 1865 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 14784 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3696 [adp] => 1865 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 16645 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3329 [adp] => 1865 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 18510 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3085 [adp] => 1865 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 20377 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2911 [adp] => 1865 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 22240 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2780 [adp] => 1865 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 24111 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2679 [adp] => 1865 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 25970 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 2597 [adp] => 1865 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 5 [2] => 5 [3] => 5 [4] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [418523] => Array ( [title] => Agile Business Analysis [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Jeremie Mandap - Mizuho Bank Ltd - Manila Branch [body] => The DevOps tool [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 418523 ) [411955] => Array ( [title] => Agile and TDD with C [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Csongor Benedek - ACCENTURE [body] => The exercises whit which we were able to familiarise with the TDD [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 411955 ) [383411] => Array ( [title] => Test Driven Development [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Marc Dominic Bareng - Globe Telecom [body] => So far Deba was a very good trainer, expertise on the subject matter is very evident on how he answers and attend to our inquiries. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 383411 ) [347295] => Array ( [title] => Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => piotr mokrzycki - GE Medical Systems Polska Sp. Z O.O. [body] => Marek has good contact with attenders catch when the people are not focused and work to motivate team. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 347295 ) [193005] => Array ( [title] => iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6 [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Abdullah Alaradi - Thiqah Business Services [body] => He's an experienced trainer with a real life experience in the topic he was teaching. That led the course to cover the most important topics which interests any developer working in the field, and small details would be easily overseen if he was not working in this platform. Moreover, he was giving the course using the latest versions of iOS and Swift (10 \ 3) and that is a huge advantage to be adapting such new technology in short time. [mc] => He's an experienced trainer with a real life experience in the topic he was teaching. That led the course to cover the most important topics which interests any developer working in the field, and small details would be easily overseen if he was not working in this platform. Moreover, he was giving the course using the latest versions of is and Swift (10 \ 3) and that is a huge advantage to be adapting such new technology in short time. [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 193005 ) ) [7] => 5 [8] => 1 [9] => [10] => ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/agiletdds ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) )