Course Outline

Introduction to Digitalization in Security

  • Overview of Digital Transformation in the security industry
  • Historical evolution and future trends
  • The impact of digitalization on traditional security models

Cybersecurity Fundamentals

  • Understanding cyber threats and vulnerabilities
  • Basics of cybersecurity
  • Implementing effective cybersecurity measures

Digital Surveillance Technologies

  • Advancements in surveillance cameras and systems
  • Integration of AI and Machine Learning in surveillance
  • Ethical and privacy considerations in digital surveillance

Access Control Systems

  • Electronic and biometric access control
  • Smart locks and keyless entry systems
  • Integration with other security systems

Internet of Things (IoT) in Security

  • Introduction to IoT and its application in security
  • IoT security challenges and solutions
  • IoT in action in the security industry

Data Analytics and Security Intelligence

  • Leveraging big data in security operations
  • Predictive analytics for threat detection and prevention
  • Tools and techniques for security data analysis

Blockchain in Security

  • Understanding blockchain technology
  • Blockchain applications in identity verification and secure transactions
  • Future of blockchain in security

Cloud Computing and Security

  • Basics of cloud computing
  • Cloud security protocols and best practices
  • Utilizing cloud services for enhanced security operations

Mobile Security and Applications

  • Mobile security threats and protection strategies
  • Development and use of security mobile apps
  • Integrating mobile solutions into security frameworks

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic understanding of security principles and practices
  • Familiarity with IT concepts


  • Security professionals
 14 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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